A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 161


Thanks, BB...4 smileys for Bumblebee! I should have said please!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 162


Oh, thanks! I needed that!
I think it's the local network that is acting up.
New cables is on the top of the wish-list smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 163


*Pours Big C a cup of tea*
I'm off to London for the weekend now, so see you soon!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 164

Chris Tonks

Ah, thanks terribly much! smiley - smiley

*sips it...*

Great! smiley - bigeyes

Oh, off to London? Well, have a nice time, do! smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 165


*gets a faraway look in her eyes*

Big C, isn't the voting -thing over yet?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 166

Chris Tonks

Nah...another one and a half weeks left...smiley - winkeye

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 167


Oh, well, I have to go.
smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 168

Chris Tonks

Toodlepip then! smiley - smiley

*waves goodbye from his table, and has some more of his drink...*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 169


*turns page*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 170

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

*re-emerges from her hidey hole with the little man riding her shoulder. He is dressed a tad more conventionally now.*

Good morning all. Ok. This is Charles Campbell Crowe. *little man waves* We had a good long talk last night, and he's decided to go home. But as we're not too exact on where "home" is, he's gonna hang about here for a bit to get his bearings and whatnot. Irving, would you mind terribly? He could help out around here, he'd bee great at getting those "hard to reach" places...

Ow! CCC, cut that out!

"I'm not a scrub brush, sister!"

Ok ok! So can he stay?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 171


*finishes chapter and looks around*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 172

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*Irving enters the café and finds numerous things to react to*

Pr. C. Tonks: Good to have you here. In case you don't know how it all works, we've got this machine over here called an IIEM -- that's Infinite Improbability Espresso Machine. When I'm not here to make your drink, just ask the IIEM and it'll make it for you... so long is it's working properly. When not working properly, it produces *indicating minature man* CCC over there, or things of that ilk.

Alien: Are you reading what I think you're reading? I'm not sure that belongs here...

CD: CCC can stay here a while, but he's not staying in my quarters upstairs. They're too cluttered, and he could get lost. I just recently removed a huge code dust-bunny (it was some java-script that now no longer works in GuideML and was displaying as text) that could have eaten him alive.

CCC: Welcome to the Café. Would you like something to drink? Non-alchoholic only, please.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 173


*looks at Irving with a wild look in her eyes*

How would you know what I'm reading?!?

*grabs the book and holds it tight*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 174

jr52 (ting-a-)

Hi, all.

Leather bound? Mustuv been pricey.

IIEM, quick glass of iced darjeeling, please.

ahhh.. That's the ticket.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 175

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Let's just say that a certain shoppe owner uses me to do his accounting because he's even worse at math than I am. . . so I know what he sold, and to whom smiley - winkeye

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 176


Pricey? Mmm... But it's worth the price!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 177


Wait a minute... It was supposed to be a secret!
Oh well... *smiles* Doesn't matter... You wouldn't prevent me from reading here would you?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 178

jr52 (ting-a-)

Obvious bit there. You or someone wishing to give you a gift did pay it. Just don't see many leather bound books about any more. At least, not in my part of Dorothyland.


Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 179

jr52 (ting-a-)

Irv? Reading isn't a problem here is it? I thought the way here once was thru a book discussion room. Something about a hole in the wall and etc. I could be mistaken.

BTW, Alien, if I may be so forward as to ask, what are you reading with such concentration and singlemindedness? hmmm??

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 180


You're asking what I'm reading? Umm... It's... A book...
- Hey, look, what's that??

*points something in the back of the room*

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