A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 41

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

That was better... smiley - smiley

Mornin' all sleepy-heads! smiley - tongueout

Something fishy's going on at h2g2, all the forums I've been to refuse to show me the last postings... I have to post something myself first, then I can read what people are saying to me.

Well, as long as I get my cuppa, guess it's allright.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 42


*rubs her eyes, ruffles hair and gets fingers caught in tangles*
Coffee. please!
It is a bit strange here today. And yesterday I got kicked out for no appearent reason.
*wonder if she should show Ook her black belt in Ludo.*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 43

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

hi Bumble!

Seems to be working allright now.
Black belt in Ludo, you say? I'll be sure not to mess with you then smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 44


I'm good at Svarteper as well....
How are you today, Oneye?
IIEM? A wee drop more?
*Gets a microscopic drop of coffee in her mug*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 45

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual v.e.l.manner*

Good morning, all!smiley - smiley

*gives IIEM gentle bump on right side (always worked with our old, black&white 20 years old TV)*

Now let's try!
IIEM, café mélange, please!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 46

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Hi T!smiley - smiley

Did you reply to my question in the forest? Coz, I can't hear anything in there. I have to post a message myself to see the other posts. That tells me that someone laid a rotten egg... smiley - tongueout

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 47

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Sorry Bumble, got so annoyed by that other non-functional thread, that I didn't answer your question.. smiley - sadface

I'm fine, thanks, getting a bit hungry though. You?
Svarteper has never been my strong side (probably coz I've only played one or two times)smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 48

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi One-eye!smiley - smiley

Once you manage to see anything in the rather misty forest, you'll find a cup waiting for you, and me hanging on to a tree trunk, having a rather bumpy ride on h2g2...

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 49


I thought it got better for a while, but now I can't find the saga of Blood on Ice...
~/o It's gone, gone, gone...~/o
And I have had enough coffee for today....

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 50

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Enough coffee?

*sounds emit from a corner noone had bothered cleaning last night*

Can't have enough. Can have too much, but that's something else entierly.

Hi there Bumblebee, One-eye, IIEM (may I have something hot, please)


Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 51

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

So true JAR, so true.. smiley - smiley

I just managed to find the campfire in the forest, and you hanging from the tree T! thanks for the gløgg! smiley - winkeye

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 52

Titania (gone for lunch)

*accidentally bumping into Bumblebee*

Oops, sorry, didn't see you posting earlier, Bumblebee!

Hi JAR!smiley - smiley

You're welcome, One-eye...

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 53


It's allright Titania, I think I am a bit diffuse today.
*goes in and out of focus*
I feel.... warbled...blarb.. abl..

IIEM, anticoffee please!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 54

Titania (gone for lunch)


Sorry, I'm having serious trouble myself at staying focused.. ocused.. cused..ced...ed...d...

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 55


*Washes up*
*Puts v/_\3 on*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 56


Coffee. Please.

*watches Ook pouring over the Ludo board*

This should be fun smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 57

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Hiya BB! smiley - smiley
Got a c)_( for me?

Anybody got any good advice on affairs at work? smiley - tongueout

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 58


*Pours c)_( for One-Eye*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 59

Witty Moniker

Greetings, all. smiley - smiley

I had mucho problems viewing forums last night, but everything seems ok so far this morning.

IIEM: Kona, black, please.

*takes coffee to a table near an open window*

Titania: I wanted to ask you last night if Ludo could possibly be Parchesi, but I couldn't get to the end of the forum to post.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 60

Witty Moniker

*takes the time for a quick internet search and turns up this quote:

The Ludo, a simplification of the Indian game "Pachisi", was introduced in England in 1896. The six shells used in the original game were replaced by just one die, and some rules were changed.

Looks like I was close.

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