A Conversation for The Café

Such is Coffee

Post 21

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*busies himself making and serving all the back orders*

*hangs sign on IIEM*:

Irving Washington has gone on a one week holiday from school and computers in general. All requests during the interval shall be directed at the IIEM itself. Thankyou.


*Sets IIEM to "Auto Pilot"*

Gee, I hope this doesn't malfunction again...

Such is Coffee

Post 22

Demon Drawer

*DD wanders in*

Anyone lose any sunglasses at the last thread, I think I've found them.

*DD waves a cool pair of optical wear in the air*

Such is Coffee

Post 23

Barney's Bucksaws

Hello - I'm a newcomer. Sure need COFFEE, though. Just in the door from work, and I need fortification to face the world. Thank (my favorite diety) its Friday!!! If I had to put in ONE MORE MINUTE AT THAT PLACE . . . . .!!!!

Such is Coffee

Post 24

Demon Drawer

*DD noticing the lack of staff around gets an espresso for Barney as he seems to NEED it*

How are you finding things so far then Barney?

Such is Coffee

Post 25

Barney's Bucksaws

Thanks, DD. Aaah! That's better. Sure takes the kinks out of the day! Nice place. Nice admosphere. Its good to find a spot to relax where people understand what Friday afternoons are all about! I'm going to enjoy this!

Such is Coffee

Post 26

Demon Drawer

Late friday evening GMT, but who cares what time it is here you make of it what you will. smiley - smiley

Such is Coffee

Post 27


Cup of coffee please white, no sugar and a clean saucer if you please.
My these stools are high aren't they.

Such is Coffee

Post 28

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

*Dr. J wanders in. Notices Vestboys short legs*
Yes, the stools are somewhat high

Such is Coffee

Post 29


It's quiet here!
Can I have a load drink please?

Such is Coffee

Post 30


Irv's on holiday at the moment, you have to use the IIEM.

Such is Coffee

Post 31


*Ozman staggers in, sees sign on IIEM, makes extra-strong double espresso, sculls it, makes another one, sculls it too*

GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Wwwwwwwwah. Christ. *Good* coffee! That oughta keep me going for a while.

*Begins vibrating slightly*

Aannyyoonnee hheerree??

Such is Coffee

Post 32


*Gradually calms down. Looks at watch*

Nap time

*Goes to sleep in the corner*

Such is Coffee

Post 33


*Wanders in*

MAN! I thought I was never gonna make it back here! Lucky that I was thinking about the Cafe while going through my old posts.

*Walks to IIEM and makes himself a Usual. Full brass band and everything*

Such is Coffee

Post 34

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hallo Af. I want to know what a MultiMau is!
*gets herself a very large cup of good old fashioned black pekoe tea with milk and sugar at the IIEM*
Good ol'Irv, looking after his customers like this. It HAS been quiet, hasn't it... Is it net creep or term break?

Such is Coffee

Post 35


*Bumblebee nips in on her way home, pour Blue Java in a to-go-cup,
scribbles a thankyounote and is off again, shloshing coffee everywhere.*
-B-zzzzzzzz smiley - coffee

Such is Coffee

Post 36

Garius Lupus

I want to know what a multimau is too. Is that someone that knows the rules?

*Pours himself a majic tea, non-belated. Starts wondering where Irv keeps the gold and platinum cups ...*

Such is Coffee

Post 37

Demon Drawer

Anyone fancy an Irish night out, check out the o'Forum and Leaprechaun

where St. Patrick's Day is catching up with the front page.

Such is Coffee

Post 38


A multimau is one who knows all the rules in at least two versions of Mau. I am a Grand-Mau in seven card Mau, and Maudodgeball, so I qualify for the title of multimau. I also take pride in being half of the Grand-Maus in maudodgeball, but that's a different story.smiley - smiley

*Sips Usual*

Such is Coffee

Post 39

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You have defined the term MultiMau quite explicitly, and yet somehow I fail to feel edified.

Such is Coffee

Post 40


I think the fundemental flaw in the explanation is that it assumes you know what Mau is, I don't, therefore I am equally un-edified smiley - smiley

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