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Sad News
Post Team Started conversation Apr 21, 2009
For those of you who haven't heard, Researcher pheloxi died on Sunday morning:
Pheloxi was a much-loved and long-standing member of the community, and will be missed by many people here.
I think it's only right that we put something together in his memory, so I'd like to put together a Memorial Wall for the next issue. If you'd like to leave a comment, memory or thought in this thread, we'll bring them together in something fitting for the next issue. Those of you who have written journals mourning his passing may wish to direct people here if you think they'd like to contribute.
I'd be grateful if you would add only comments you would like us to add to the article to this thread.
Sad News
Beatrice Posted Apr 21, 2009
Pheloxi was a unique and wonderful individual, who touched the hearts of many on h2g2. His English wasn't always perfect, but he sure had a way with words! Rest in peace, man of peace
Sad News
Websailor Posted Apr 21, 2009
When I first chatted to Pheloxi he told me he had fingers missing, and was most amused when I nicknamed him 'Sunshine Fingers' because his remaining fingers produced a glowing, bright and happy Personal Space, which was guaranteed to lift the spirits. That is how I will remember him.
Sad News
Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break Posted Apr 21, 2009
He was a proper neon hootoosapien. The original Thin Air Toddler.
Keep toddling, mate! I'll miss you.
Sad News
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Apr 21, 2009
This is a lovely idea Rich
Pheloxi was a man of peace - he used the smiley more than anyone else that I noticed. I will miss his kindness, his friendship, and his presence.
God Bless Pheloxi, free from pain now
Sad News
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Apr 21, 2009
like all of us, he came to h2g2, wondering what to do, and where to turn, unlike some that see the blank space and say, nooway,he stayed and in time became part of the h2g2 extended family.
if i remeber right,over the years, he left then returned on many occasions.when his health allowed.
- may he now rest peace
- jim
Sad News
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Apr 21, 2009
Pheloxi, the gentle giant of Hootoo.
You brought peace to all who knew you.
We shall remember that mischievous smile.
Of when we met for just a little while.
We will remember your sense of humour...
And that laugh! It could be full of rumour!
You made us jackets in blue and red,
The long sleeves to keep us warm, you said.
You called my friends the 'Sisters of Hootoo',
And me 'Auntie Giggles', for which I Thank You.
Pheloxi, Peter... My sweet friend;
A loving message is all I can now send.
Goodnight and God Bless
The Milne Family xx
Sad News
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Posted Apr 21, 2009
I only really came across Pheloxi in other friends journals, he was a man of and generally a good egg and man of wit. Even as as a
er I'll miss him.
Much love to him and his family
Sad News
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Apr 21, 2009
I don't recall where exactly our paths crossed, but we started to talk when I was still fairly new to hootoo. I joined the United Friends of H2G2space A703126 which he had created, and on asking, he gave me the code for the musehome t-shirt (one size fits all) A582455 (I didn't know any guide ml at the time) which fit me so well that it adorned my PS for several years.
He was a good friend and always added his humour and wisdom to my journals. He coined the term 'hootoo sisters', which inspired me to create a space here: A19789311
He always had a smile or a 'for the ladies', and was a long-standing and reliable contributor to my Yikes journal over the years.
In one word: he was a friend.
I will sorely miss him.
Sad News
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Apr 21, 2009
Having met Peter - Pheloxi at VV's wedding, I shook hands with a gentle giant and a manly cuddle when we departed. He was a true gentleman and it was my honour and privilege to have met him and call him friend - with hopes of another meeting one day.
I will truly miss Peter and I thank his brother dearly for bringing this news, as sad as it is - my deepest respects to you sir and the rest of Peter's family.
Heaven has now been enhanced by the presence of Peter and may the angels watch over him with love and care
I shall NEVER forget him
Sad News
myk Posted Apr 21, 2009
Goodbye to a gentle kind man - a true Gent
A word for every ocassion - and all situations, to bring forth a smile-
You will be missed - i'm glad to have known you -
we never met - but to me this is a portrait of you:
Sad News
Hypatia Posted Apr 21, 2009
Please add my condolences. Pheloxi and I weren't well acquainted, but all of my meetings with him were warm and cordial. h2g2 is diminished by his passing.
Sad News
KB Posted Apr 21, 2009
He had English that was better than my Dutch,
He had humour that was better than Lord Sutch.
I Can't say I knew him very well,
But he provided humour on occasions without rhymes, and that's what matters.
Sad News
bobstafford Posted Apr 21, 2009
Where there was a friend,
there will always be a light.
I missed the opportunity know him well.
Sad News
Terran Posted Apr 21, 2009
My condolences to Pheloxi's family and all who knew him. I wish I'd known him better. He will be sorely missed.
Sad News
The H2G2 Editors Posted Apr 22, 2009
We're so very sorry to hear of pheloxi's passing away. He played a really big part in this community. Just reading all the posts here and on his journal (F64198?thread=6507944) - the lovely things people are saying about him - you get a real sense of how respected he was and how positve his contribution has been to the site. He made a lot of good friends on h2g2 and many people will be missing him now. We'd like to applaud the memory of pheloxi, an outstanding community member who made a really positive impact on h2g2 and on the people he met.
h2g2 Editors (Natalie and Derek)
Sad News
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 22, 2009
Pheloxi is now like a star in the heavens shining down on us.
Pheloxi as you danced in the light with joy,
love lifted you. As you brushed against
this world so gently, you lifted us.
A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam
And for a brief moment its glory
and beauty belong to our world
But then it flies again
And though we wish it could have stayed...
We feel lucky to have seen it.
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Sad News
- 1: Post Team (Apr 21, 2009)
- 2: Beatrice (Apr 21, 2009)
- 3: Websailor (Apr 21, 2009)
- 4: Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break (Apr 21, 2009)
- 5: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Apr 21, 2009)
- 6: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Apr 21, 2009)
- 7: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 21, 2009)
- 8: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Apr 21, 2009)
- 9: aka Bel - A87832164 (Apr 21, 2009)
- 10: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Apr 21, 2009)
- 11: myk (Apr 21, 2009)
- 12: Hypatia (Apr 21, 2009)
- 13: KB (Apr 21, 2009)
- 14: bobstafford (Apr 21, 2009)
- 15: Terran (Apr 21, 2009)
- 16: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 21, 2009)
- 17: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Apr 22, 2009)
- 18: toybox (Apr 22, 2009)
- 19: The H2G2 Editors (Apr 22, 2009)
- 20: Reality Manipulator (Apr 22, 2009)
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