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Sad News

Post 21


So sorry to hear you're gone pheloxi. We didn't chat much the last few years, but we were regulars in each other's journals at the start, and meeting you both here and in Netherlands was an experience!

I hope you are fit and whole and hearty, wherever you are. smiley - cuddle

Sad News

Post 22


*sigh*Unfortunately I never met Peter/Pheloxi, nor knew him all that well. That said though, his unique and compassionate personality forged numerous little 'connections'. So I can truly say that in the relatively short time we communicated via hootoo(and despite the geographical distance), he made a peaceful/favourable impression on me. smiley - rose Rest in Peace, my friend! My Sincere condolences to his family and thanks to his brother for relaying the sad news.

Sad News

Post 23


smiley - rose

Sad News

Post 24


I'd come across Pheloxi frequently here and always found him to be friendly. He'll be missed. smiley - rose

Sad News

Post 25

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

A tragic loss, I'll miss his sense of humour and his views on things. I didn't know him terribly well but it's still upsetting.

smiley - rose

Sad News

Post 26

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I don't know how this works...

I am not good in these things so use this as you wish, if it is usable.

I posted it on the Pheloxi RIP thread:

I, due to work, cannot light a for you, but I was given a cutting of the herb Rosemary, for some unknown reason, recently...

Maybe this was the reason!!! I will never know.

But I shall find a suitable place to plant it and I will look after it, and it will be part of a new HooToo Remembrance garden, and labelled so.

I have to admit that I really do like the idea of Jimcracker's about some sort of Memorial wall for researchers that have joined the Golgafrinchams or other such worlds of DNA's thought processes.

And so to Pheloxi, and his family, I write this appalling poem.

Just by having touched our minds,
Like the first burst of Spring,
He has invegorated us,
And made our souls sing.

His 'Pheloxionfusing' thoughts
Would confuse any 'rainbow being'
While his 'thin air toddler's ramblings
Where 'neon' and far-seeing.

His 'digtoo' was Pheloxi,
But his 'klog' was never yanked.
'Taking the Dutch' was rude,
Yet his 'Neon' was highly ranked!

As a 'wired' being of high reknown,
It is not for me to say,
Just visit his own PS
And enjoy your stay!

Pheloxi / Peter, I met you on Yikes, and loved your humour, and wish my poor poetry could emulate it!

I was only slightly aware of your illness, and wish I'd been more aware.

You are missed, and there will be a small part of Brentford that will be forever dedicated to you... And your outlook.

I am not sure yet, but I hope it will be somewhere where it will be looked after for when I join the Hairdressers and telephone sanitisers.

smiley - rose

smiley - peacedove


smiley - musicalnote

*If this is unsuitable please ignore!*

Sad News

Post 27

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Don't think I can add much more besides what others have already posted here, probalby far more eliquently than I could do. Very shocked at the news hwen I aaw it as I remember him very early on from my days on HooToo, though we didn't necessarily talk all that often or directly i sense someone of huge sincerity and compassion, so very saddened by the news.

Sad News

Post 28

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

I never met Pheloxi but from what I've heard he was a pleasent and friendly person and I Salute to his memory

Sad News

Post 29


I came across pheloxi early soon after joining h2g2. Despite his health problems he always came across as a positive, peaceful and tolerant personality. I'm very sad to hear of his death & hope his family draw comfort from the high esteem in which he was held here.

Sad News

Post 30

littlemightyblue2(Not around much at the moment)

smiley - peacedove From an old friend xxxxxx You was a true gentle man.

Sad News

Post 31


smiley - rose I didn't know you well, and now can only wish I had.

Sad News

Post 32


H2G2 will now be a slightly dimmer place, smiley - rose

Sad News

Post 33


I never knew he had health problems.

2legs and Milla have expressed my impression of pheloxi and why I appreciated to meet him in different threads.

"A man of huge sincerity and compassion" - "I will miss his comments, always coming in from an unexpected angle, and making me smile".

smiley - peacedovesmiley - smiley

Sad News

Post 34


This is a small tribute It is the best way of leaving a small memorial and saying farewell.

Sad News

Post 35

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

smiley - rose

Pheloxi, I struggled to spell your name and to understand your sense of humor, but you always took the time to explain your jokes to me. I will miss your patience and kindness and Pray that you are in a better place.

minismiley - mouse

Sad News

Post 36

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i wrote something simalar, somewhere else, should have been on here.
smiley - rose Scatter his ashes wide and deep.smiley - rose
smiley - rose So no-one cant disturb pheloxi,s sleep smiley - rose
smiley - rose As passes by, a snow white dove.smiley - rose.
smiley - rose To show the world, how he was loved. smiley - rose
smiley - peacedove Rest In Peace smiley - peacedove
<Jimcracker-Jim.smiley - love

Sad News

Post 37

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - rose

I've tried to come up with the 'right' words, but have been unable to. I haven't your way with words. I'll miss you, my friend, and know that my girls' lives will be that much poorer for not getting to know you when they're old enough to be on h2g2.

Sad News

Post 38

Post Team

This is very sad news and I offer my heartfelt sympathy to Pheloxi's family.

We had the pleasure of welcoming Pheloxi to a Dutch Meet three times and each time he contributed greatly to the overall enjoyment of the proceedings.

There is a picture of him with other Dutch Meet stalwarts at A767009; from left to right they are Bossel, Tube, Marjin and Pheloxi.

shazzPRME smiley - rose

Sad News

Post 39

Post Team

Thanks, all. This thread is now closed for comments for the Post article, although you may of course continue to post here if you wish.

Your words will be at A50543570 on Thursday; if anyone hasn't posted yet, they may wish to do so there rather than here (although we won't be adding any further comments to the article itself).

smiley - peacedove

Rich smiley - thepost

Sad News

Post 40


Thanks Rich.

Websailor smiley - dragon

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