A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6521

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"The only sensible way to get rid of Bush is at the ballot box"

What is wrong with you, blickybadger.

Bush is a criminal. He should face criminal prosecution. He is guilty of criminal behaviour, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people.

If tomorrow a busy city bus driver went mad and used his bus to mow down and kill thousands of innocent pedestrians. Would you also assert that the most suitable justice for this bus driver is to lose his job in November... maybe... if enough people agree. Yep, that'll teach him.

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6522

badger party tony party green party

My knee hurts, Ive got a bit of a cold and ofcourse thers the sciatica.

Oh you mean my mental capacity. Well not much aprt from a fear of heights and fairground rides.

Oh you mena my ability to reason. Well, not much, Im told by most people.

Im not the one comparing the person who runs a country with the person who drives the number9 bus ("his bus" thats a bit sexist, women can lose it and kill thousands of innocent pedestrians too you know)

smiley - book Would you also assert that the most suitable justice for this bus driver is to lose his job in November... maybe... if enough people agree. Yep, that'll teach him.smiley - book

Well obviously not presumably the bus company would have a policy about drivers who werent fit for the job and killed people I suspect they would dismiss him immediately, but there isnt the exact same procedure for Presidents is there you numpty (lovely Scottish phrase). However they can both face trials at some point for any crimes that they might be prosecuted for. Can you really see that happening with Bush, remember to think before you answer.

The most sensible way of getting rid of Bush is to vote for another candidate.

smiley - rainbow

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6523

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

It's not so much what is right, what is right is for Bush, who even said in one speech that Saddam was evil because he 'tried to kill my daddy', is that he be impeached and sent to prison for taking the US into a war over Iraqs oil fields, telling lies to the US citizenry which cost Americans their lives and for trying to bankrupt the US. However the chances of him being found guilty are so slim that it would be a waste of money.

smiley - cheers

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6524

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"The most sensible way of getting rid of Bush is to vote for another candidate."

blickybadger how many times does it need to be said? Bush is guilty of criminal acts. How many other murderous criminals do you suggest dealing with by voting them out of their job? What will it take for you to understand that this is an urgent situation?

You can see the articles of impeachment here.


Masquerading sneaks

Post 6525

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"the chances of him being found guilty are so slim that it would be a waste of money."

Some every-day murders are well nigh impossible to solve and prosecute. Do you also believe there should be no law against murder?

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6526

badger party tony party green party

Exactly. What jury or panel on a hearing is going to give any creedence to a charge that a President "dliberately" tried to bankcrupt their own nation. as we have seen with the Hutton report Blair was able to distance himself from anything that made it look like his hands were dirty and weedle out off things because of "actualities". even Hoon is keeping his job!

If you live in the UK vote for anyone else but labour. OK not the tories, but lib dem, greens, independent even BNP. Anyone to shake up the big two and show your disatisfaction with their lies and evasions and there lack of empathey for what the voters of this country really care about.

smiley - rainbow

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6527

badger party tony party green party

obviously that was a reply to post 6523.

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6528

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

I'm a member of the Labour party, and I'm shocked and disgusted by their behavour over the last year. I'd even like, one day, to run for office, but the lies about the war, the fact that Hutton won't, or at least hasn't, appologized for the behaviour of his department and the complete lack of backbone shown by backbenchers in the tuition fees vote makes me despair of a party which is slowly killing itself.

smiley - cheers

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6529

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

> Well it's good to be vindicated yet again. For a very long time, now, I've been saying that Bush should be impeached and Lentilla has been claiming it's not possible. (Remember, "I'm just one person, what can I do?") Now, it appears that finally Lentilla has learned that it is possible and is calling for an impeachment investigation.

I don't think you get it, Empty. Did you even READ the information on that website? The impeachment cannot be started by me; it has to be a majority in the House and Senate. Before you start flapping your mouth (thereby increasing the problem of global warming,) why not do a little research? All that www.votetoimpeach.org does is send an automatic e-mail to your local congressman. Which you don't have, being from New Zealand. Then the local congressman, being part of a Democratic minority, has the rather large obstacle of getting the Republican majority to vote to impeach one of their own. Yeah, right, like that's going to happen.

> Lentilla, I'm not interested in you admitting I was right all along and you were being obstinate and stupid. I'm just pleased to see that you've learned at last.

Empty, the way I see it, you look a right fool by not looking online for any sort of news about George Bush being impeached. If you'd done a search on Google for that information, you could have been calling me an obstinate idiot months ago. Think of all the time wasted! Now you look even more of an idiot than you did back then... taking the information I've posted and distributing it on other threads, and then calling me a fool for not managing to get the impeachment process started on my own. (Which I can't do, not being a member of the House or Senate.)

Let me reiterate (that means repeat myself):

You, sir, are a moron.

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6530

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

> If Clinton can be impeached for shtupping (sp?) an intern (if in fact that word means oral sex?) then why isn't Bush impeached for starting an illegal war, and for all the terrifying things he's doing to his own people?

Exactly, Della. To my way of thinking, Bush has done a lot more things that count as illegal and suspicious activities than Clinton ever thought of doing. It chaps my hide, as us Texans say. The reason why the impeachment process has not gotten off the ground is that it needs a majority vote by the House and Senate before one can be started. An impeachment is not a conviction; it is a criminal investigation of the President. A President can be impeached, like Clinton, and still be judged not guilty of a crime. In fact, Clinton was found not guilty. But the stigma of the impeachment process still hovers over his head, and despite his two stellar terms as president, he can't even endorse a candidate for office without tainting the opinion of the voters.

Masquerading sneaks = ME!!! MUAHAHA

Post 6531


That hurt gore too - he had to distance himself from the previous 8 years of work that he took part in. Clinton couldn't endorse him. And thus, we get Dubya. ARGGHH!


Masquerading sneaks

Post 6532


Blicky, I certainly hope you weren't serious about voting for the BNP. That should never ever be an option. smiley - blue Especially when I have mixed race relatives that would be "repatriated"...smiley - ill

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6533

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

I'd like to know where they'd repatriate me, that'd be fun, My moms family on one side are Scottish, Norse if you go back far enough, and the other side are Anglo-Saxon, and my great grandfather on my dad's side was a Polish Jew while his wife, my great grandmother was a Russian Jew. Yes I'm decended from asylum seekers.

smiley - cheers

Reasons why people want to vote Bush in 2004

Post 6534

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

BB, are you *sure* you'd do something that drastic just to annoy ES? It'd be your loss! smiley - aliensmile
What exactly *is* your problem with Empty Sky? Be specific! It's like the lies you claim I have told - you can't be specific about that either, can you?

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6535

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yeah, right - 0.31% of the time, it's a woman who goes postal and kills thousands...

Voting advice

Post 6536

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

BB, have you lost your little glass gaming spheres? You said, and I quote <>

You suggest that *anyone* consider voting for the BNP? (Even to get Tony B Liar out...)

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6537


Hi, I've read your problem..... sorry can't help!! But I love Red Dwarf and we are lucky enough to get that here.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6538

Baron Grim

If the post above seems odd, that's because Zaphod skipped 6536 posts of backlog. smiley - ok It's a reply to post 1.

You've missed all the fireworks over the last couple of years here Zaphod.... Well, 'missed' may be the wrong word. smiley - laugh

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6539


The BNP Blick? Not the BNP please! There are a lot of fascists out there. One of the reasons I'm on premod.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6540

badger party tony party green party

Della if you pretend that you've had surgical procedures that you then tell us did not take place. One of those statements is a lie. If you tell us that both the terminations you refered to were forced on whoever had them by a man then ask us to believe that only one them was forced on whoever by a man can you really wonder why your thread-cred has taken a nose dive from its already low position.

If you tell us that you have a sister on this site that is in fact you posing as your own sister that is a dlibrate deception, also called a lie.

If you say that you are leaving the site but simply revert to using one log on you are not doing what you have said and clearly had no intention of doing that. Therefore you were lieing.

Is that specific enough for you Della?

Why did I say vote BNP and not Tory or Labour. Imagine if you will a woman beat by her boyfriend who returns to her abusive husband only to run into the arms of her violent boyfriend and so on and so forth.

Labour and the Conservaties dont have any decent policies all each of them does is aim to keep the centre and the city reasonably happy and wait for the other side to beat us so bad we run back to them at the next election.

I have no time at all for the policies of the BNP but they have atleast met their voters they have drawn up policies that however wrong headed are infact policies and not just some old flannel to win a few votes. The best and pehaps only good thing about the BNP is that they have three councillors in my bourough and the votes they won at the last local elections put a rocket right under the conservatives and labour.

The big two should stop the politics of empty spin and get involved with the voters again. They never will while we show we have no backbone and act like we cant live without them.

Saturnine as I thougt I had explained you dont have any mixed "race" relatives because they, you and I are ALL ONE AND THE SAME ANYWAY.

smiley - rainbow

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