A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6581


smiley - book

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6582


sorry Azahar, that you have to put up with that junk. They are generally rude, and never let anything drop. There's not much anyone can do about it, except ignore them.


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6583

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

> When people ask me, "what are you?" I look them straight in the eye and say. Virgo.

Cool. Most of my friends are Virgos, Capricorns, Tauruses... (no, not the car) and Libras, damn them. I get along best with Virgos (my hubby is one, a good friend another) and I'm strangely attracted to Libras (two ex-boyfriends) although we never get along. (It's because I'm a Capricorn, I think.)

Now, before you start thinking I'm crazy, I don't believe in astrology - until we start talking about how people get along with each other.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6584


Della wrote: <>

In fact, after Della insulted blickybadger by using a racist term on a thread called Alpha Course, she muddied the waters herself by saying blicky and others (she included me) had 'provoked' her into doing so and were 'taking advantage' of her being a christian and therefore being 'unable to retaliate'. In fact, she retaliated just fine by attempting to blame others for her bad behaviour and accusing them of things they were not doing. She has posted other false accusations about me elsewhere, but happily on threads where people know me and so also knew these accusations were totally unfounded. For her to also do this on a thread that I am not even participating on is nothing short of despicable.


In fact there is a lot of mention of a 'sister' being forced to have a termination on the Partial Birth Abortion thread.


What is not relevant and what was never relevant was Della somehow trying to link me to a posting made by blickybadger on a thread I am not involved in by saying that I had invited him to come here and speak about her.

However, if Della does not post anything further about me here then I will let it go. Sorry about the interruption, folks.


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6585

badger party tony party green party

WTF? BB< I have never had a termination, let alone two, so what on are you talking about, and why bring it up here?smiley - book

I brought it up amongst other things as your good friend Empty had asked me to post examples of your dishonesty. I never said you had undergone any terminations I was explaining the deliberate misinformation you posted concerning the subject on the PBA thread where you were attempting to use such falsehoods to reinforce and sway others to your anti-choice stance.

(Bending the truth and "sexing up" the facts to get people on side and make your case seem stronger, now who does that remind you of smiley - huh)

one has had terminations, it's none of your business and I wish I had never mentioned any of it here.)smiley - book

Your right it is none of my business but inspite of that YOU told ME about it at length several times. If you really regret bringing it up and the fact that it has shown you to have told us things that are not the truth matbe you ought to think about not mentioning it over and over.

why azahar then invited you to bring it up smiley - book

What an odd thing to say. Did you have a dream where that happened and have now got it mixed up with reality, honestly its like talking to Father Dougal McGuire somtimes. az has never asked me to bring up any subject with you and I have never asked her to do that either.smiley - erm

on a totally unrelated thread smiley - book

Like Dirk Gently might say everything is interconnected.

I just don't understand.smiley - book

That has been apparent to me for a long time now Della. Maybe you ought to start making an effort to understand. A good start would be to drop the attitude that you know everything already and that everything that pops into your head is *right*.

I should have known better than to tell her anything about my family, Dave's spreading insults to other family members everywhere, then you spread this.smiley - book

Hmm. Might have something to do with the names that you and your son have been calling people and the fact that you have been calling other peoples integrity and honesty into question. I could have just said no I am not a liar when you said I was or I could prove you were and let other people make their minds up as to whether what you say is trustworthy. I took the second option as I felt that if I said I wasnt you would just say I was again. Dave appears to have taken the first, cant blame him I did the same the first time I got on the wrong side of you, but it got us nowhere fast did it? Hopefully things will be different this time.

You truly have lost you little glass gaming spheres, haven't you?
I begin to wonder of you are not actually *dangerous*.smiley - book

Im saddened to see you extend your normal thoughtless and egregious attitude to mental illness as well.

one love smiley - rainbow

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6586

badger party tony party green party

Yes for what its worth I am Virgo.

smiley - rainbow

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6587


I've been reading the "what's wrong with the fr*nch" thread. It seems the main defense on that thread is that, hey, the french are no worse than any other country! Why can't we apply that logic to the US? So instead of posting what's wrong with americans, critics need to post why they're worse than other countries, hopefully with supporting statistics.


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6588

badger party tony party green party

Its been done over and over but a variety of researchers have been here with nothing more to say than the americans are terrible cultural imperialism blah blah. Industrial military complex yaadda yadda. Citing nothing but their own opinion others do have stats that do nothing more than prove that the US and its citizens are the worst stinkers, but forgetting that none (or close to none) os us anwhere in the world smell like smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose.

Even fewer of these detractors have put forward any practical or reasonable remedies for the problems the rich industrial countries of the world are creating.

Maybe these people had a bad day at work or there unhappy for some other reason. Who knows but they havent come up with anything wrong with americans that you couldnt find wrong with citizens of any other country.

Although Im open to correction on this.

one love smiley - rainbow

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6589

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"but they havent come up with anything wrong with americans that you couldnt find wrong with citizens of any other country. Although Im open to correction on this."

OK, for a start how about corruption at the highest level? Sure, that’s not unknown in many of the nations on earth. But Americans are so boasting about their particular kind of morality that they seek to inflict it on other countries at gun point.


Dick Cheney’s former company Halliburton - which is still paying Chaney a stipend of $1m per year - has overcharged the US government by $27.4m for meals supplied to US troops in Iraq.


They’ve also been overcharging Uncle Sam for petrol used in Iraq (surely the most dreadful irony) and it gets worse. Some of the fuel payments to Halliburton come out of the Development Fund for Iraq which is meant to pay for humanitarian efforts in the country.

Yet there are still people who doubt that one of the principal purposes of Bush’s manufactured war on terror is to make Bush’s friends rich.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6590

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

Here's another link realting to the above post.


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6591


neither of those links prove that the US is imposing it's morality on other countries at gunpoint.

Nor do they prove that the US govt is more susceptible to kickbacks and being overcharged than other governments.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6592


Here's a website that documents how Empty sky isn't telling the truth about this:


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6593

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"neither of those links prove that the US is imposing it's morality on other countries at gunpoint."

Dave, I didn't say they did. They prove corruption at the highest level of government. I eaplained - as an aside - that corruption happens in many countries but it's significant because the US is imposing it's morality on other countries at gunpoint. That is abvious to anyone but you.

"Nor do they prove that the US govt is more susceptible to kickbacks and being overcharged than other governments."

I didn't say it was. But - as the US tends to hold itself up as an exemplar of morality - it should be LESS susceptible to kickbacks and being overcharged than other governments.

It's true ythat your comprehension skills are sadly lacking.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6594


"neither of those links prove that the US is imposing it's morality on other countries at gunpoint."

the first line of my post...did you miss it when you read the post? If you did, then who's comprehension is lacking? Or did you just not have a response?

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6595

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

That's hilarious, Dave. (Seriously!)

However it's not my telling of the truth that's at fault. It's your understanding of it.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6596


smiley - cheers ES

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6597

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"the first line of my post...did you miss it when you read the post? If you did, then who's comprehension is lacking? Or did you just not have a response?"

Huh? What on smiley - earth are you talking about? I didn't miss it. I answered it.

I think you'd better go and lie down for a while.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6598


"it's significant because the US is imposing it's morality on other countries at gunpoint"

we'll have to take your word for that ES - I thought we were in Iraq to steal oil, not impose morality. THis is totally new to me. I'm just asking for proof of it.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6599


smiley - book

Weird things happening in this thread.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6600

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

all of that still doesn't say what's wrong with Americans, just what's wrong with America. I think lots of, if not most, people would agree that the current government in the US is not the best ever, they are allowing the rich to get richer while cutting the facilities provided by state/federal government to aid the less well off and they are making it easier for big corperations to use the US country as one humongous dumping ground. However this does not define the people of the US, who for the most part are decent people.

smiley - cheers

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