A Conversation for Ask h2g2

secrets of the universe

Post 6501

rev. paperboy (god is an iron)

Wilson is a very interesting individual


There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6502

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"Empty appears to become annoyed with anyone who doesn't agree with views, which he often expresses in an overstated and sweeping way."

I only speak the truth and it's not overstated or sweeping, it's accurate.

There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6503

Baron Grim

Yes... very interesting (the Osama/Bush stuff)

I'm not sure the connection between the bin Laden family and Osama is that close anymore however. Keep in mind that Osama is like the 56th son in the family. I think he split physically and philosophically from the family when he joined the Mujahadeen. I know the bin Laden family has too many interests, financial and otherwise in the states to publicly support the actions of Osama. (How they actually feel about him I have no idea).

But anyway, conspiracy theory or not, the Bushes, father and son, have a long nefarious history in my opinion. When the elder Bush was head of the CIA and also when he was Vice President he supported, aided and empowered several little demons around the world. I used to keep pictures on my refrigerator of the Elder 'glad handing' (ie shaking hands and smiling for the camera) with characters such as Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, several power players from the Nicaraguan civil war, Papa Doc AND Baby Doc Duvalier in Haiti and others. I didn't have a picture of George the Elder with Saddam Hussein, but I'm sure I could find one from when he was either VP or head of CIA. I'm fairly convinced that any nasty little dictator the US has fought against in the last twenty years was impowered by the US in the first place.

To give you an idea of how I've felt about this family, when George the Younger was running for the governership of my state I avowed, "I will not vote for the son of satan!"

(the opinions of Count Zero are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BBC, the White House, the CIA, Martha Stewart, George Formby, Count Zero's dog, NASA or any living person.)

There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6504


accuracy is different from precision, Empty Sky...

You may actually be accurate, I'll give you that, but you know nothing of precision.


There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6505

Baron Grim

I think you have it reversed, Dave.

For a very enlightening explanation of the difference between 'accurate' and 'precise', I recommend reading this transcript from John Leinhard's radio segment, "The Engines of Our Ingenuity: episode no. 1742"


There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6506

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"You may actually be accurate, I'll give you that, but you know nothing of precision."

Dave, I'm afraid that once again your understanding of things is sadly lacking. You don't mean precision. You probably mean appropriatness.

But then no-one ever really knows what you mean, including you.

There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6507


No, I know exactly what I mean. And it would appear that you don't know the difference between accuracy & precision.


There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6508

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"it would appear that you don't know the difference between accuracy & precision."

Dave, of course I know the difference and you're using the words in the wrong context. You're American so you're at a disadvantage, for a start, as far as your understanding of the english language is concerned.

But, trust me, in this case you do not mean "precision".

Perhaps if you were better educated, you'd understand.

There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6509


No, I do mean precision. You make broad sweeping statements...they've probably centered around some truth, but your shots are scattered all around the target.

If you were actually precise you would only hit the target...

OED, precision
In numerical work, the fineness of specification, as represented by the number of digits given and distinguished from accuracy (the nearness to the true value).


There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6510


smiley - laugh

smiley - magic

smiley - book

There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6511

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

"Dave, of course I know the difference and you're using the words in the wrong context."

I must say I actually agree with ES on this issue of context. Dave using a definition in the context of numeracy is just plain wrong when you are talking about someone's statements, unless you're contesting numerical data in that statement. ES is making very specific, very precise statements, often along the lines of 'Americans are stupid'. He is not making vague wishy-washy statements like

'Some people, probably located in both the northern and western hemispheres may possibly be intellectually less well off than some other people in some other location'

However, the accuracy of his statements, that is how close to the truth they are, may be called into question if he cannot produce evidence to support his claim.

smiley - cheers

There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6512

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Interesting, zoomer! smiley - peacedove

There are none so blind as them who refuse to see...

Post 6513

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< if he cannot produce evidence to support his claim.>>
He has, many times, (re the subject of obesity, for instance) but is not given credit for it...

Eye for an eye

Post 6514


Excuse me, Empty:

"I only speak the truth".

smiley - erm

You only speak the truth?


And in the same breath you claim to never make overstated or sweeping statements?

What more is there to say?

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6515

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Please note that I, the real Della the Cat Woman (U179697) discovered this afternoon NZ time, that Dave the Obvious/Oblivious had changed his nickname to the same as mine. It goes without saying, that his intentions in doing so were not good! Please bear in mind that anything said by 'Della' that sounds as if it would not be said by me - probably wasn't. The following is a clarification:
Della the Cat Woman, a.k.a. Debbie researcher U179697
'Della the Cat Woman' a.k.a. Dave researcher number 195408
This is an oder of magnitude worse than what he did to ES - merely misquoting and editing his postings... though darnit, that was bad enough!

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6516

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

That stinker! smiley - grr

There should be a provision in the Guide ML that keeps researchers from stealing each others' names... This will happen again. He hasn't posted on this thread with your name, has he?

Zoomer, thanks for that timeline... very cool. Kinda puts all the facts in a row, just where I like them. I'd like to see an impeachment investigation of Bush Jr., because of what I've been hearing over the past three years - the ties to corporate oil money, the weird Bush-Bin Laden connection, Arbusto and Bath... and then there's Cheney and the Halliburton connection, don't forget. Pessimists tell me that the Republican majority in the House and Senate will keep any sort of impeachment process from getting off the ground. I can hope, though...

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6517

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"I'd like to see an impeachment investigation of Bush Jr"

Well it's good to be vindicated yet again. For a very long time, now, I've been saying that Bush should be impeached and Lentilla has been claiming it's not possible. (Remember, "I'm just one person, what can I do?") Now, it appears that finally Lentilla has learned that it is possible and is calling for an impeachment investigation.

Lentilla, I'm not interested in you admitting I was right all along and you were being obstinate and stupid. I'm just pleased to see that you've learned at last.

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6518

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Impeaching Bush - excellent! I'd like to know why it hasn't been done before. If Clinton can be impeached for shtupping (sp?) an intern (if in fact that word means oral sex?) then why isn't Bush impeached for starting an illegal war, and for all the terrifying things he's doing to his own people?

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6519

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)


This is the movement started by Lentilla. Oh... no... that's right, it wasn't started by Lentilla. Because she refused to believe it was possible.

Masquerading sneaks

Post 6520

badger party tony party green party

Thats really funny you think if enough people e-mail and put their names on petitions that the republicans will sacrifice their leadersmiley - laugh. People think that if they put out lots of lawn stickers and wear Tshirts the industrial/political/military oligarchy that is running America (and doing very nicely "thank you for all those lovely tax dollars") will go "hands up its a fair cop we cant stand the prssure of ES and his innane rantings anymore". Think again, or how about tinking at all.smiley - tongueout

The only sensible way to get rid of Bush is at the ballot box and if I was an american voter Id almost be tempted to vote Bush in for another term just to get up your nose ES. You have managed to annoy people who are on your side. People who are anti-Bush now think you are dumber than he is, you certainly display the same tunnel vision and attitude that those who dont agree with you 100% are some how against you.

"Its good to laugh, but don't be the joke"smiley - jester

smiley - rainbow

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