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Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron Started conversation Jul 1, 2018
I just moved into an apartment that has a bathtub, with a shower curtain, and no shower head. It has two faucets, which I understand is common in Britain, but I've never seen it in the US. Is there a name of some kind of adapter I can order so we can take a shower? My Google skills are failing me.
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Bald Bloke Posted Jul 1, 2018
Cheap, not neccesarily chearful...
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Hoovooloo Posted Jul 2, 2018
If the apartment is rented, disregard the following:
Those things are great for washing dogs. Humans, not so much. If you can, get an electric shower installed. You'll be glad you did...
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Jul 2, 2018
When we visited the UK zone in 2007, I had never heard of an electric shower. That first morning at a B & B in Chelmsford was "refreshing" to say the least. Stepping out of the wet machine, I saw this pull-chord from the ceiling . . .
Once you get the hang of them, they do work a charm.
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 2, 2018
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Orcus Posted Jul 3, 2018
If your plumbing skills are up to it, this might be more what you want.
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 3, 2018
There's a plum tree in my backyard. That's as close as I can get to plumbing
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Pink Paisley Posted Jul 4, 2018
Or here.
If you are in London you aren't far from a Robert Dyas
The 2nd one is loads more expensive but way more likely to stay attached since it has a pair of kinky little straps.
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron Posted Jul 6, 2018
We're in an apartment in the South Pacific. I'd love to swing by London sometime, but it may be a bit.
I appreciate the suggestions. I've never heard of an electric shower.
Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron Posted Jul 7, 2018
Somehow I heard about the same setup being used in England.
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Plumbing Question - Showers in Eurpoe
- 1: Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron (Jul 1, 2018)
- 2: Bald Bloke (Jul 1, 2018)
- 3: Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron (Jul 1, 2018)
- 4: Hoovooloo (Jul 2, 2018)
- 5: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Jul 2, 2018)
- 6: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 2, 2018)
- 7: Orcus (Jul 3, 2018)
- 8: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 3, 2018)
- 9: Pink Paisley (Jul 4, 2018)
- 10: Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron (Jul 6, 2018)
- 11: Pink Paisley (Jul 6, 2018)
- 12: Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron (Jul 7, 2018)
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