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Office Music

Post 1

Icy North

The office is like a morgue this week - it needs some music to cheer it up.

I don't fancy anything as mind-destroying as the radio, so please post some suggested music (preferably that's available online - Youtube or similar). I'm pretty catholic in my music tastes, so I'll give anything a play. Impress me! smiley - winkeye

Office Music

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit listening to BMIR.org
"Absolutely non commercial, classical to dubstep, live chanting and 'live' comment in the x-mas setting.

Well it is actually a rerun from last burn, sometimes lots of nonsense talk. There may be excerpts from the radio episodes smiley - bigeyes (DJ Raindog will). Not unlike our clsssified adds are the announcements of local activities smiley - rofl"

Office Music

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm happy to oblige, but what might appeal to me might turn others off.

For instance, Julie Andrews singing "In the bleak midwinter."


John Rutter's version of "In dulci Jubilo" brings tears to my eyes, but some might find it too saccharine [indeed *anything* by Rutter might be thought saccharine]


Seasonal but hopefully not too offputting:

Holly jolly Christmas [Burl Ives]

Something Baroque and instrumental: Corelli' Christmas concerto

Something from the jazz-inflected 1960s by the Vince Guaraldi Trio for the Charlie Brown Christmas special

But it's possible that *none* of these will work for you. If so, I apologize. Of the latest Christmas recordings, I liked the Mary Blige one, but detested the Renee Fleming one. smiley - sadface

[Yes, I do try to buy something new every year. This year, I ordered "A Very English Christmas," but it hasn't arrived yet....]

Office Music

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Sorry, I will remove those pesky s's from the yotube links:

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Your Nickname is paulh. Merry Christmas, but not white Christmas.

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Sorry, I will remove those pesky s's from the yotube links:

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The Posting to which you are replying is from paulh. Merry Christmas, but not white Christmas
I'm happy to oblige, but what might appeal to me might turn others off.

For instance, Julie Andrews singing "In the bleak midwinter."


John Rutter's version of "In dulci Jubilo" brings tears to my eyes, but some might find it too saccharine [indeed *anything* by Rutter might be thought saccharine]


Seasonal but hopefully not too offputting:

Holly jolly Christmas [Burl Ives]

Something Baroque and instrumental: Corelli' Christmas concerto

Something from the jazz-inflected 1960s by the Vince Guaraldi Trio for the Charlie Brown Christmas special

But it's possible that *none* of these will work for you. If so, I apologize. Of the latest Christmas recordings, I liked the Mary Blige one, but detested the Renee Fleming one. sadface

[Yes, I do try to buy something new every year. This year, I ordered "A Very English Christmas," but it hasn't arrived yet....]

Office Music

Post 5


I am quite fond of the "Communion After Dark" music mixes on youtube. Electronic dance music, gothic rock, that sort of thing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZCk51W2Kvk is one example.

Then there is "Nightcore". They seem to just do uptempo covers of various styles of songs. Check out their version of Hans Zimmers "Time" (off the Inception soundtrack)

Oh, and should you like the cover, you could always let the original run on a ten hour loop, as done here:

And if all else fails, try this:
It's 24 hours of NCC 1701's engine at warp something point nine...

Office Music

Post 6

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

If you are not looking for Christmas music, this is a collection of some of my favourites I put together a while back A87823317 They are all available on the web, most, if not all, on Youtube.

smiley - xmastree

f smiley - dolphin s

Office Music

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Sorry, Icy, I assumed you wanted Christmas music...

Office Music

Post 8

Icy North

Thanks for those - I'll try some today.

Oh, and can we add 'Christmas Music' to the long list of oxymorons. smiley - winkeye

Office Music

Post 9

Pink Paisley

Phillip Glass. In particular Koyaanisqatsi. (Reasonable bass required on whatever speakers you have though)



The Space Between Us - Craig Armstrong.


Background enough not to distract but never heard in a lift anywhere.


Office Music

Post 10

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"can we add 'Christmas Music' to the long list of oxymorons? smiley - winkeye
[Icy North]

Only if we also add Military Music.

There was a time, many many years ago, when writing music for Christmas church performances was the most prestigious thing a composer could do. We have come down a very long way since then smiley - sadface.
Even the Beatles' "Wonderful Christmas Time" seems like a beacon from a more enlightened era....

To be honest, I groan when I hear about Rudolph, Frosty, and White Christmas, but I always figured that that was just me....

Office Music

Post 11


You are not alone smiley - winkeye

Office Music

Post 12

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm glad to hear that. Bad music makes the season seem even more forced than it would otherwise be. Anyway, if there's not a lot to be merry about from January to November, why should December suddenly be a month of boundless joy? smiley - huh

There's just one thing, though: What other time of year gives you tender, gentle lullabyes? I'm not a bay or toddler any more, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to be consoled and treated gently in a musical way. As I fight heavy traffic on my long journey to the home of relatives, I find myself deeply moved by soft, gentle choral singing on the radio. With all the craziness of the season, that is the only part that seems to help. smiley - cry

Office Music

Post 13

You can call me TC

Well, instead of a CD of "Christmas music" (of which we have a whole shelf full) I put on a CD of Chopin piano music yesterday. It was to accompany present-opening with toddler present, and was just the ticket, and it would also make a suitable background for office work.

"Elevator music" is out of the question, (well, it would certainly put my nerves on end) and, in fact, anything with words, if you really are working. Actually, though, now I think of it, we do have the radio on at work - albeit in the next room. If I drove to work, I would find that useful occasionally for the traffic news, to know if I needed to take an alternative route home.

Also I would avoid anything with a heavy beat, or opera. Do you have to speak on the phone to people not in the same company? Pinky and Perky in the background might not give a good impression.

Office Music

Post 14

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I have recording of a new piano transcription of "Nutcracker Suite." It seems to be nice background music.

Office Music

Post 15


Dare I confess to liking Christian Victor Hely-Hutchinson's Carol Symphony, especially 'Andante quasi lento e cantabile'.


Office Music

Post 16

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Well, I like it too. Silence is the enemy I most fear, though, so I might not be the best person to ask.

Office Music

Post 17


I like or what most people call silence especially the absence of music.
Listen to the small sounds nature makes bats make fantastic sounds, a fox in dark woods smiley - magic

Office Music

Post 18

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I love it when a mourning dove sits on a telephone wire and sings.

I love to walk near a field on an August night and listen to the crickets and grasshoppers sing.

The sound of the river near my sister's cottage in the mountains is a welcome one, except when it is at flood stage smiley - yikes.

Office Music

Post 19

You can call me TC

The sounds of nature are relaxing and soothing. However, at work, you need something to instil vigour and enthusiasm. And drown out the telephones and shouty people.

Office Music

Post 20

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Well, that's why ABBA were invented smiley - evilgrin

[Relax, I'm just kidding. smiley - smiley]

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