A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Lazy diction

Post 1

Icy North

The word 'exactly' probably isn't the easiest English word to pronounce, but the best the natives seem to manage these days is 'Igzackly'.

Any guesses to how we'll be spelling it or pronouncing it in a few years time?

And do you have any other examples of lazy diction?

Lazy diction

Post 2

Pink Paisley

Robbie Savage.


Lazy diction

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


Lazy diction

Post 4

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - evilgrin
They have little purple pills for lazy diction these days.
smiley - nur

Lazy diction

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

I remember someone saying that the 'f' in 'twelfth' isn't pronounced. It is where I come from.

Lazy diction

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Febuary [losing the "r"]

Lazy diction

Post 7

Witty Moniker

Gonna instead of going.

Jewlery instead of jewelry.

Lazy diction

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

Can't instead of cannot.

Lazy diction

Post 9


Firstly, my friends always say woof instead of wolf, saying its the sane thing. But they don't say woofs, they say wolves in the correct way?!

Lazy diction

Post 10


Additionally, my friends (and lots of not-so-bright enemies) always say liberry instead of library!

Lazy diction

Post 11

You can call me TC

Nucular instead of nuclear. Even American presidents can't get it right.

Lazy diction

Post 12

Pink Paisley

Aluminium being pronounced 'aluminum'.

smiley - run

smiley - laugh


Lazy diction

Post 13


Giss and not give, its not axe it is ask, bus not buzz the list is endless.

Lazy diction

Post 14


News presenters on my local radio station BBC Radio WM regularly say seketery.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Lazy diction

Post 15



Lazy diction

Post 16

Milla, h2g2 Operations

*the Swedish girl shudders in a corner*
All the things we learned in school will be laughed at soon...

smiley - towel

Lazy diction

Post 17


Well now. Thing is it's not so much lazy as just a natural consequence of fast speech, most of which we don't notice that much (but all do).

In English we stress meaningful words. English being a stress timed language, we have to squash unstressed words and syllables in. This leads to:

Weakening: the most common vowel sound in English is schwa, a sort of weak uh sound. So in 'Give me a bottle of your finest Champagne' a of and your all sound like uh uhf and yuh. And me is not meeee but mi. and 'comfortable' is COMEftuhbuhl not COME FORT ABEL or 'America' is uhMErikuh not AI ME RI KAH.

Elision. In English we tend to leave sounds out in consonant clusters. So in 'I don't know' we drop the t and ' I need to mend my bike' we drop both ds. Also we say Chrismus not Christ Mas (with weakening too).

However, if we get two vowel sounds together we often add a sound - English speakers find it easier. So 'I went to Africa and Asia' you add an r sound between africa and and. And 'I saw two elephants' is more like 'toowelephants' than 'two. Elephants.' I ate three eggs for breakfast' is threeyeggs not three. Eggs. We call this intrusion.

Catenary ion is when we link a consonant sound at the end of a word to a vowel sound at the beginning of the next. An ice cream and a nice cream are said much the same.

But the one you won't belive us assimilation, which is where we change sounds according to what's coming up next. Green Park is more like Greem Park and Hyde Park is more like Hybe Park because it's easier to go from m to p and b to p than n and d for native speakers. No one ever belived they do this, but I afraid it's pretty well documented.

Of course, there are variations and not all native speakers do everything above all the time. I often do glitterati stops rather than intrusion for eg. But it's all perfectly normal and perfectly good English too. If you are doing this sort of thing are doing it right.

Lazy diction

Post 18

Icy North

Catenary ion?

Lazy diction

Post 19


That should be catenation. And apologies for other errors. I panicked and didn't perview.

Lazy diction

Post 20

Icy North

It's one of the best posts I've read for a long time smiley - ok

I'm very self-conscious about assimilation now smiley - smiley

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