A Conversation for Ask h2g2

sherlock holmes

Post 61

Mister Matty

I think clzoomer is referring to the recent Guy Ritchie film rather than the new BBC series.

sherlock holmes

Post 62



sherlock holmes

Post 63


smiley - lurk I think if you're discussing the tv thingy, I'll just unsub and smiley - zen patiently wait till some French TV channel decides to broadcast it.

I liked the movie too. smiley - drool RDJ...
smiley - towel *wipes drool off keyboard*

sherlock holmes

Post 64

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

So what did people think? I thought it was ace, and I cannae wait until we get some more.

Surely, surely the Beeb is going to commsion some more? Surely?


sherlock holmes

Post 65


New series has been commissioned. Not sure whether Moriarty was 'over-acted' or not or whether it fits in with the general feel of the show.

sherlock holmes

Post 66

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Not watched it yet as I will download it from the iPlayer. Can't wait though.smiley - smiley

sherlock holmes

Post 67


oooh, I was out tonight , forgot it was Sherlock night, will catch it on iPlayersmiley - ok

sherlock holmes

Post 68


Morinarity you dirty rotten swine you. Have you deaded that nice Mister Homules?

sherlock holmes

Post 69


really enjoyed that. Moriarty was a surprise so well done on that - although not convinced by the character yet. Interesting they used a swimming pool which worked within the series plot - but also opportunity for Reichenbach Falls stuff. Dunno. felt a shame they didn't conclude it in some way whilst leaving it open. But hey, not bad at all! 90mins of entertainment which is what it is meant to be so good stuff I say smiley - smiley

sherlock holmes

Post 70

Deadangel - Still not dead, just!


Quality entertainment with a cheesy cliffhanger ending. The (mini)-series has been most entertaining, but the ending of the third part just smacks of 'give us a new season' Americana.

it kind of spoiled the programme, and the whole series, being so cheesy.

sherlock holmes

Post 71

You can call me TC

So who played Moriarty in the BBC series, then? You can spoil all you like, I've no chance of ever getting to see it till the DVD box set comes out and by then I'll have forgotten this thread.

And, on the same subject, any more news about Brad Pitt playing Moriarty in the follow up of the film version?

sherlock holmes

Post 72

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

smiley - crossIt's still not available for download on the iPlayer. What are they playing at!

sherlock holmes

Post 73


I couldn't download last weeks' ep till Thursday. It's a bit annoying.

sherlock holmes

Post 74

Mister Matty

Really enjoyed it, especially the multiple mysteries for Holmes to solve which kept the story crackling along at pace. Even liked Moriarty who seems to have, erm, divided fans.

sherlock holmes

Post 75

Nalot of the Silver

Im afraid I yelled at the TV after Sundays episode. I understand the need for cliff-hangers to keep people coming back, but I promise I was coming back anyway... I now cannot wait till next Sunday, I desperately need to see the next episode.

sherlock holmes

Post 76

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Fraid you will be a tad disappointed then dude. That *was* the last of the series.

Who the heck knows when the next episode will be....


sherlock holmes

Post 77

Nalot of the Silver

How can that be the last of the series, there were only 3 episodes?

3 episodes does not a series make.

sherlock holmes

Post 78

Deadangel - Still not dead, just!

If it's any consolation, I saw the writers on BBC this morning. They were saying there definately will be more. Just not yet.

sherlock holmes

Post 79


Three episodes makes a mini-series. US Television has those from time to time.
But even a series that runs six years can leave things unresolved.
I'm still a bit bummed out by the way LOST ended.
I thought for sure they would say who built the giant statue of the hippopotamus god. They never did.

sherlock holmes

Post 80

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master



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