A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Dogster Posted Dec 6, 2009
"All it has shown is that the data from one source is flawed."
Not even that! I think Monbiot's point is that you can't ignore the emails because of the PR crisis they represent, not that they actually invalidate the data from that group (which as far as I can tell, nothing in any of the emails suggests).
anancygirl Posted Dec 6, 2009
That timing, is so called everything. Is there not a major climate conference coming up soon ?
Sorry but....
Though all humans can observer, "in our brief geological time frame" changes in our respective environmental landscapes. My question, would be, Do we have: (The ability to consider all the variables), and on non-human sense: the world will keep on... being regardless of our participation/evolvement.
User Defined Character Posted Feb 4, 2010
Looks like the glaciers aren't going to be gone so soon - http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/feb/02/climate-change-pachauri-un-glaciers
Strange that the dude Pachauris initial reaction to the scientist who pointed out the error was to denounce him as a conspiracy theorist and dismiss him out of hand. Uncool, but old habits are hard to break I figure. The dude figures that these scientists are being mightily political.
Giford Posted Feb 4, 2010
I agree, the more recent allegations that the head of the IPCC knew that the 2035 claim was effectively a typo but continued to defend it as 'accurate' is far more serious than anything in the 'Climategate' emails.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Feb 4, 2010
As is the often the way with "scandals" the original crime is often of miniscule unimportance next to the block-headed reaction to it's revelation which is the more damaging.
I can see an obstinate refusal to take responsibility as falling into that category, usually occupied by mistress, coverups and financial fraud.
anhaga Posted Feb 6, 2010
'The head of the largest climate change study ever undertaken in Canada says the Arctic sea ice is thinning faster than expected.
The Canadian Coast Guard ship Amundsen remained mobile all winter during the Arctic Ocean for the Circumpolar Flaw Lead study.
"It's happening much faster than our most pessimistic projections," said University of Manitoba Prof. David Barber, the lead investigator of the Circumpolar Flaw Lead study. A flaw lead is the term for open water between pack ice and coastal ice.
The study aboard the Canadian Coast Guard research ship Amundsen began in July 2007 and involved 370 scientists from around the world.
It was the first time a research vessel had ever remained mobile in open water in the Far North.'
screw the political finger-pointing and look to the North.
Tumsup Posted Feb 6, 2010
Now I don't know who to believe, a ship full of sailors floating around in the non ice or Rex Murphy.
anhaga Posted Feb 6, 2010
Enjoy Rex Murphy.
Quote Rex Murphy.
Respect Rex Murphy.
Be intimidated by Rex Murphy.
But never, ever, *believe* Rex Murphy.
Apparently he was born in Carbonear, so you'd think he have a better grasp of what to say about climate change.
anhaga Posted Feb 6, 2010
Murphy is certainly a very intelligent fellow, Rhodes Scholar, blah blah blah (I started filling out an apllication for a Rhodes Scholarship once.) but he's a compulsive (I almost typed 'repulsive') iconoclast, and there is no bigger pop-icon right now than climate change. If climate change were unpopular, Murphy would be bashing the inveterate complacency of the swinish masses in the face of the tsunami of tsempature tchanges clearly tseen on the horizon.
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- 21: Dogster (Dec 6, 2009)
- 22: anancygirl (Dec 6, 2009)
- 23: Taff Agent of kaos (Dec 6, 2009)
- 24: anancygirl (Dec 6, 2009)
- 25: User Defined Character (Feb 4, 2010)
- 26: Giford (Feb 4, 2010)
- 27: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Feb 4, 2010)
- 28: anhaga (Feb 6, 2010)
- 29: Tumsup (Feb 6, 2010)
- 30: anhaga (Feb 6, 2010)
- 31: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 6, 2010)
- 32: anhaga (Feb 6, 2010)
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