A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 1


Stars in every direction are moving away from us??


Earth, Solar System, Galaxy is spinning
When you spin on a park roundabout
Your mums always in the same place
But the moment you see her, you're moving away
Spinning away
Earth, us, are constantly moving away from the stars
Like us remaining on the roundabout

Now the complicated stuff
Earth hot air rises on the equator
Cool air over the poles
When they meet
It's not kissy kissy hello lets blend
Air on a spinning planet
Hot and Cold SPIN
Typhoons (Wanda 1962)

Massive beautiful and deadly cloud formations


Our Universe


Milky Ways


Solar systems


'Eye of the Storm'
'Black Hole'
Same Same?

Universe is in a Sphere?
What's the hot/cold air equivalent?
Our Galaxy Spinning in a Sphere that's SPINNING?

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Spinning doesn't produce Doppler effect.

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 3

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Being planets in a solar system in a galaxy, the stars we see aren't stationary either. Wouldn't a better analogy be of waving to your mother from a roundabout when she is also walking about?

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 4


If mums moving or not it is irrelevant.

If a star is in a fixed space or wobbling or moving - even towards us - it would always appear (using Doppler) that the star is moving away from us.

Like the light waves coming off mummy and hitting your eyeball - even if she's walking towards the round-a-bout with a bag of Quavers.

Or the light coming off a star and hitting Hubble's sensors.

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

Who taught you this rubbish? Or did you work it out for yourself?

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 6

Ivan the Terribly Average

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 7

Icy North

Reminds me when I worked in a shop. Customers would often ask me if I kept stationary.

"No", I said, "sometimes I jiggle about a bit".

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 8


Great minds featured on BBC - explained Black Holes... well they were asked but couldn't....

Refering to Einstein's Theory of Relativity...

Which didn't answer the question on 'What is a Black Hole'.... well it explained it - as unfathomable hell of confusion and mess...

Books explain the Doppler effect and use this to prove all stars whizz away from us.. in every direction...

Well what if the Genius Mathmaticians simply asked the wrong question. Forgot nature as we see it and went into flights of fancy..

Perhaps there's another way of inviting paticle physics into this party

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 9


Just a quick look at the Doppler Effect should tell you that you are wrong. I´m sure we must have an entry about it.

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 10

Icy North

Einstein had no concept of gravity particles.

Anyway, doesn't this contradict the Snyder-Schild concept of spacetime?

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 11

Hapi - Hippo #5

no, it doesn't .. why did you think it would?

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 12

Malabarista - now with added pony

The Doppler effect is quite simple.

Go stand beside a street - the lights moving toward you will all be white, while the ones moving away are red... smiley - tongueincheek

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 13

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Watch out for the flashing blue ones.

smiley - bluelight


Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 14


Not to be confused with the Dopeler effect where you put down your bong and let your eyes unfocus so that coloured auras surround everything.smiley - magic

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 15

Hapi - Hippo #5

... or the Dopey effect .. where you stop talking when there's a beautiful girl around?
and then she sleeps .. after choking on an apple .. and then ..

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 16


...she wakes up grumpy....

.... and goes out with him instead.smiley - winkeye

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 17

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - erm that's life

smiley - sadface life .. don't talk ..

smiley - bigeyes .. that was the other story, wasn't it?

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

Vroomboo, I suggest you carry out the experiment you suggest. Get on a park roundabout and watch your mum. You will see that sometimes she is going away from you and sometimes she is coming towards you. This is different from the observed apparent motion of the distant galaxies, which all appear to moving away from us. This proves that your explanation is wrong.

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 19

Taff Agent of kaos

try this

sit on the spining roundabout with your eyes closed, flick them open and closed as you pass your mum(get you mum to shout when to open them) so you get a snap shot of your mum, that near enough negates the spining bit, now get your mum to walk away from you and toward you, every time you go round and flick your eyes open, can you tall if she is moving

smiley - bat

Doppler Affect Ok - but results are different when we're spinning and light source is stationary

Post 20


What if your mother has a doppelgänger jumping up and down just behind her ? smiley - silly

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

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