A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Want to try changing the world?

Post 1


If you are in any way slightly concerned about the way things seem to be heading, maybe you should check this site out.


(And, yes, i *have* signed up & hope to take part; i find it a bit sad that only 4 folk in the whole of Eire have so far done likewise)

Do spread the word, DNA would surely approve!


Want to try changing the world?

Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

At times like this I actually wish I lived in a big city.
The nearest events are 30 miles away in Halifax, mostly
organised by churches and other groups I don't normally
associate with. And they are scheduled in the noon hour
when I am at the pool.

I could register a new event for my location.
And maybe time shift it to suit my timetable.
Like when I wake up normally, around 10am.
I'd be the only one there though.
Maybe if I just think good thoughts...

smiley - zen

Want to try changing the world?

Post 3


Sorry, still not entirely convinced by antropomorphic global warming. smiley - winkeye

Want to try changing the world?

Post 4

almaak - the Reincarnation

I thought almost everyone is convinced so far, that climate has changed. Why do we need more messy events to wake up politicians with, while in the same time we all burn wood for heating.

It's technology that needs a change, in my opinion. smiley - erm

Want to try changing the world?

Post 5


It´s not wood we´re burning. Not all scientists are convinced, including geologists. Also this is not just people who are paid by Big Oil, despite how people like to portray them.

Want to try changing the world?

Post 6

almaak - the Reincarnation

smiley - rofl

Want to try changing the world?

Post 7


I think we're all convinced that the climate changes and has always 'changed'. And that's where the problems starts, 5-year cycles, 50-year cycles, the end of the ice age....

Some of the 'immenent doom' foresayers on climate change sometimes seem just that.

Do I remember rightly? Back in the 1950s/early 60s, the 'return of the ice age' was the big thing. And then some volcano erupted, average temperature decreased 2° I think it was.... **the descent back to the ice age was accelerated.... **
Just to point out the 'cooling' scare tactics were similar to the present 'warming up' crisis.

looking for data on that irruption, google first through up this on global cooling http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/VolcWeather/description_volcanoes_and_weather.html

I make no claims for this site, it's just an illustration of the claims and counterclaims.

I think we should be trying to reign in pollution, not so much for climate change reasons, but for the simple here and now problem of the effect on human life.

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

Want to try changing the world?

Post 8

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I think folks should take another look at the site:

>> http://www.avaaz.org/en/tcktcktck_map/tcktck_map/ <<

The participation numbers by country and city are quite telling.
And as Terry & Yoda said, a bit sad in most cases.

smiley - cheers

Want to try changing the world?

Post 9

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes

Oh oh! The site is experiencing 'technical difficulties'.
Sabotage or too many people joining?

smiley - erm

Want to try changing the world?

Post 10


Interesting to note that the country with both the biggest population and the largest carbon footprint has only 7 subscribers. But that's possibly down to internet restrictions...smiley - erm

Want to try changing the world?

Post 11

The Doc

Wont be able to go I'm afraid as I will be flying to Aus, but to all those going I hope you have a splendid day

Want to try changing the world?

Post 12

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Apologies for being the bearer of bad tidings particularly for Peak Oil fans who have confidently predicted that there are no more "Elephant" size oil fields left to discover. This week BP have found one in the Gulf of Mexico, BG a second one offshore Brazil and Andarko a third one offshore Sierra Leone. Looks like the oil is here to stay.

Want to try changing the world?

Post 13

The Doc

Hurrah! For a split second, I thought I would have to start staying at home for holidays. Well done Mr Albatross sir, good news indeed!

Want to try changing the world?

Post 14

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - erm

I'm still getting "Our Apologies - We are experiencing technical difficulties"

It's been like that since my first posting. But some people still seem to be able to see the site. Maybe it's because Canada had 109 last time I looked and someone (them or some opposition element) has decided that enough is enough.

The whirled wild web gets less and less worldly every day.


Want to try changing the world?

Post 15


When I tried yesterday jwf your post link wouldn't work like you said but the one in post 1 did. smiley - ok

So click on the first link and you should be fine.

Want to try changing the world?

Post 16


I think the link you put in has a superfluous tcktcktck_map/ by the look of it.

Want to try changing the world?

Post 17


Incidentally, someone here in Cardiff appears to be trying to arrange their event at the Bay at 12.18 am.

I reckon only the *really* dedicated will be along for that one smiley - winkeye

Want to try changing the world?

Post 18

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes

Cheers Orc! You're right.
The link in the original post still works.
It is my link to the map/count page that fails.
Canada's up to 149 BTW - not including me of course.

smiley - biggrin

Want to try changing the world?

Post 19


smiley - ok

Want to try changing the world?

Post 20


smiley - lurk

Good to see i may have started a healthy debate!(And great to se an italic involved!)smiley - ta

Anyway, we're almost certainly going to the Galway one; can't not really, since we live in a home powered by solar & wind & partner is pretty high up as an inspector of such systems (employed by Govt. to advise etc)

I must say that on cold, damp days, i do tend to feel like asking TPTB "why did Global Warming miss out Ireland?"; but it is rather nice to be able to disconnect from the National Grid
...no more bills etc. Generally the system works fine, but you do have to undergo a sort of 'mindset change' & look at what the weather is doing before switching on high powered appliances.


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