A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 21


ummmmmmmmmm try having relationships with men.
Sounds a bit tough on you, she clearly has big problems. In a sympathetic pocket book psycology way, why dont you find someone else who wants positive regard from you. You could be waiting for ever for this one to sort herself out. Lifes too short smiley - smiley

That disturbing feeling

Post 22


looks like you spend two much time watching the soaps. just to make it easier for you, we all think you a stupid idiot openly for posting such a thread.

therefore your paranoia should have gone away now you know openly that your an idiot.

the doctor has made his cure.

That disturbing feeling

Post 23


See what I mean about men and don't pretend to be a woman Churchills Ghost.

That disturbing feeling

Post 24

The Groob

Bloke: "You look great!"

Girl: "You're just saying that to be nice"

Bloke "No, you look great!"

Girl "Why don't you tell me that more often?"

Next day

Bloke "You look great!"

Girl: "You're only saying that cos I want you to"

Bloke: "Oh okay then, you look bloody awful, I can't believe I'm going out with you looking like that. Happy now?"

That disturbing feeling

Post 25


smiley - laugh
yes ok we're not perfect either

That disturbing feeling

Post 26

A Super Furry Animal

My, Churchill, you're a sensitive one! smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 27

Kat - From H2G2

I am smiley - biggrin Im not a girl or a guy! Im a kat!!! ahem sorry im quite hyper. Im not changing girlfriend! Thats...well yeah Im not sure...besides Im not sure anyone else would have me with all my issues!

C_Ghost...you're posting on this thread so maybe you secretly have paranoia about it too...spesh as you havent answered my question about mental illness yet...and I dont watch any soaps whatsoever. In fact I dont watch TV

That disturbing feeling

Post 28

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

The thing that I find really annoying about places like this is you'll try and be nice, say hi to someone and they totally ignore you, you'll join a thread where every other person posting has had some sort of feedback and you get ignored! I started to think I was typing with invisible ink or some thing. smiley - biggrin

Kat, the whole female species are a complete mystery, I don't think I'll ever understand them!! You're not alone in that!


That disturbing feeling

Post 29

The Groob

It can be a bit cliquey in chat rooms.

That disturbing feeling

Post 30


got to say I dont mind the ocassional bit of Corrie myself and how it shows !

Kat issue are superficial mate smiley - biggrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 31

The Groob

There are probably cliques on H2, but apart from about ten researchers, I can't really name any regulars and I assume that anyone else might be a regular.

That disturbing feeling

Post 32

Kat - From H2G2

*pretends to be a cluque all of her own*

Oh dear Inm seme ot be getting realy rather hyper so mauybe ill go off and do something else...I appear to be an issue in myself!!! Oh lord asd Im superficial!!!!! *runs screaming*

That disturbing feeling

Post 33


oh god look what the ommission of 1 s can cause. Kat come back I'm sorry

That disturbing feeling

Post 34

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Hmmm, I have felt like this in the past; at least enough so that my tag for a time included "Thread killer extraordinaire".
smiley - winkeye

There IS a sense of cliqueishness here. And also a tendency when there's a flame war/personal feud going on, it seems to spill over everywhere over the site, even though the count of the participants is really small.

And no amount of telling these inconsiderates (ALL sides) that they're boring the pants off the rest of us will even slow it down. What we chiefly need here is a smiley! smiley - biggrin

Go figure; I've just been persistent, since I've been here for about 5 years. Obviously, even feeling like an outsider, I must get something out of this.


That disturbing feeling

Post 35

Kat - From H2G2

Ahem...Im back now. I went and had a lie-down and read a book until I stopped feeling so odd. Now Im just itchy and a little strange. I find theres lots of clique bits around here...but it's okay because theres so much around!
Grumble...Ive just been told the gf wont be home until 10:30! she said she'd be home at 8:30! Now I have to keep dinner for her!

That disturbing feeling

Post 36

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

isnt it funny how all these convos go from one subject (paranoya) to another (understanding the femail spiecies)? i find it hillarious!
fordsmiley - cheers

That disturbing feeling

Post 37

A Super Furry Animal


smiley - geek

If you click on "who's online" at any particular time, there appear to be a lot of people (currently 104 on a Sunday evening) and yet very few people posting. "Ask" is almost constantly the busiest conversation, so what's everyone else doing? Yo don't need to be logged on to read/lurk, so...

WHERE ARE YOU??? <echo

Just a thought.

</smiley - geek>

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 38


I'm thinkin it's kinda hard to post secret threads in a plac like this. And most everyone is pretty cool around here anyway.

Oh ya if you start sending control freakish and unwanted threads my way, I'll be the first one to fill ya in.

That disturbing feeling

Post 39

Kat - From H2G2

well i just got back from holiday so I deleted every single thread that i wasnt taking part in...hence Im not really around on Ask...maybe everyone else went on holiday with me to cornwall too?

Going back to paranoia...Im now completely paranoid about...everything in a quiet way. Im not telling anyone about it or anything....because who knows if it might be true!

That disturbing feeling

Post 40

Spaceechik, Typomancer

The comment you made about not being able to accept compliments, I can recognize well, as I have the same difficulty. With the best will in the world, I can't seem to stop myself from pushing them aside.

I find myself answering a compliment with a disclaimer, like "Well, it's not my favorite color," or "It's pretty old, actually." And that's just compliments about my clothes! I go total turtle-mode when I get compliments about my abilities or attributes.

Kat, does your gf react like that with compliments from ANY source, not just you? Might find out more by observing over time. Meanwhile, it's unpleasant, and I hope things will improve soon. smiley - cheerup


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