A Conversation for Ask h2g2
New Display for Notebook
Yelbakk Started conversation Jun 3, 2007
I just sent my notebook off flying. Well, it was the cat, really, who did it. But anyway - down it went, and it does not look good. Seems like the display/monitor (whatever it is called on a laptop computer) is broken. Funny funky colorful lines instead of my screen with my wallpaper and all. On the edges, the original still is to be seen, but that does not help me, at all.
I hooked up an old monitor, and that seems to work nicely, so the laptop itself is not broken - just the display unit.
It is a Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo M1425. So, my question is: can the display be replaced, and if so, where do you recommend it should be done? Go to the original seller? Turn to Siemens? Just try to buy it on eBay (and then, how would I take off the old display and how would I set up the new one?)...
Or is there a chance that if I turn on the laptop tomorrow, everything will be fine again? (A man can hope, can't he?)
New Display for Notebook
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Jun 3, 2007
I've the same problem and was wondering the same thing! Mines well out of the guarantee period though. A well placed, strong bulldog clip whacked on above the screen helps, but on a fairly random basis.
New Display for Notebook
Aries (ACE) Posted Jun 3, 2007
Ouch! Doesn't sound too good. If the display has gone funky it means that the internal workings have been screwed in some way. If the laptop is still under warranty, get in contact with the company that offers the warranty and see what they can do.
If not, get in contact with Fujitsu, explain to them what happened and ask them if they have someone who can help.
Failing that, I strongly advise against opening it up yourself for some DIY screen fixing. If you're anything like me, electronic things don't fit back together the way they were before I took them apart, and laptops are notoriously difficult.
New Display for Notebook
Yelbakk Posted Jun 3, 2007
The computer itself is fine. It is now hooked to an external monitor, and there are no problems. I am thinking about replacing the whole display thingy.
New Display for Notebook
Aries (ACE) Posted Jun 3, 2007
Well, with a laptop the screen is an integrated part of the whole thing. It's not as simple as yank it off and stick a new one in its place. I'm sure Fujitsu will make it seem that simple though.
If in doubt, they should always be your first port of call.
New Display for Notebook
Yelbakk Posted Jun 3, 2007
This was the kind of thing I was looking for. So in my (simple) mind, it was just a matter of basically ripping the old display off and putting the new one in in its place. I still think that this would be the way to go about things. Of course, I would have no idea just how to tear the old one off, but I was kinda hoping to find someone who could tell me...
New Display for Notebook
Aries (ACE) Posted Jun 3, 2007
I don't know about where you live, But quite close to me there are smaller computer outlets that also do repairs. I'm sure if you went to them they would do it for a small charge.
If you do attempt to do the job yourself though, I suggest picking up a computer DIY manual first. I'm not saying that you can't do it, but there are lots of specifics that if not attended to can screw your entire unit, permanently.
New Display for Notebook
BouncyBitInTheMiddle Posted Jun 3, 2007
I'm sure its possible to do, but I'd make sure you do you homework first. This is going to be a tricky operation.
And, of course, if you look at getting someone else to repair it, make sure you get a definite quote beforehand. All too often professional computer repairs can cost more than the computer is actually worth (depending on how old it is really).
New Display for Notebook
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Jun 3, 2007
Traveller in Time on top
"Before you let anybody do anything with it ask for the estimated repair price. Chances are for a few quit more you can replace the entire thing.
One of my colleages crashed the screen repair was about 500 Euro, a new one would have been 700 Euro. "
New Display for Notebook
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 3, 2007
ok, I work in the LCD biz, and we supply notebook manufacturers
first off: the LCD is the most expensive part of the notebook, and as everyone has pointed out, it's often cheaper to get a new one (not to mention the time it will be away for a replacement LCD - yours sounds as though it can't be repaired but you never know)
so, first check your warranty, and check your household insurance.
Then go back to the notebook manufacturer - if it's not still under warranty they'll tell you it's around €800 ~ €1,000 to fix it.
If you don't get any joy, you could ask them which manufacturer made the display. Chances are they can't tell you.
This next part invalidates the warranty:
you can open it up (or get an expert to do it) and look for the manufacturer's sticker with the LCD model number on it. Generally the manufacturers use a similar sort of system with a couple of letters followed by, for eg, if it's a 15.4" 154... then some other stuff. I know that for my stuff you need to give the whole number, and serial number (under the barcode usually) to get anywhere close.
Then you can elgoog that part number. Usually you come up with a few options for buying one and putting it in yourself. Bear in mind that there is no warranty, and it's risky... also you will need to get exactly the same model.
Our notebook panels go End Of Life within months of being introduced, typically a manufacturer will upgrade (or we will) about every 6 months with little or no backwards compatibility (sometimes as mad as shortening the cable lengths)
if you get as far as that and you can't find the model, you never know it could be one of mine. Drop me a line via my ps and I'll see if we have any. However, most manufacturers don't do repairs, and certainly don't sell to end users. Notebook panels aren't usually sold via distributors either, since they are huge deals with limited shelf-life.
New Display for Notebook
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 3, 2007
i forgot to mention, that even though the Fujitsu-Siemens model number and everything might be the same, there might be variables with the individual different LCDs. Some Notebook manufacturers use up to 4 suppliers for the same range, there isn't a guarantee that Manufacturer As panels are exactly compatible with those of Manufacturers B through D
New Display for Notebook
Crescent Posted Jun 4, 2007
From the description of the fault it MAY be that the screen is not broken, but just needs reseating.
Open up the lid so you can get to all around the screen (take off all the plastic bits - carefully, if this is your first time then you may snap a couple of plastic clips). There will be several connectors that are designed to be able to come out and go back in. Unplug them all and replug them in. Fire up the machine to see if it has sorted it. Put it back together.
Of course if it is in warrenty send it away to get it done. But if it is not then this could save you a fair bit of money. If you are not up to it, then find a friendly IT gadgee (oxymoron there?) to do it for you. Hope this helps somewhat Until later...
BCNU - Crescent
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New Display for Notebook
- 1: Yelbakk (Jun 3, 2007)
- 2: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Jun 3, 2007)
- 3: Aries (ACE) (Jun 3, 2007)
- 4: Yelbakk (Jun 3, 2007)
- 5: Aries (ACE) (Jun 3, 2007)
- 6: Yelbakk (Jun 3, 2007)
- 7: Aries (ACE) (Jun 3, 2007)
- 8: BouncyBitInTheMiddle (Jun 3, 2007)
- 9: Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired (Jun 3, 2007)
- 10: Sho - employed again! (Jun 3, 2007)
- 11: Sho - employed again! (Jun 3, 2007)
- 12: Crescent (Jun 4, 2007)
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