A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Just How Illegal?
Werb Started conversation Jan 1, 2000
After hearing from many different sources, i'm not sure what is true so i'll ask here.
Where in the U.S. is it illegal to hitchhike? Is it illegal everywhere in the country
or just in some states?
Just How Illegal?
Anonymouse Posted Jan 2, 2000
Heh.. It's never exactly been legal to hitchhike... anywhere. Most authorities, however, have always turned a blind eye as long as you don't get on the interstates. (Standing by an entrance ramp is okay, though.) It was so popular back 20 or 30 years ago (and before) that it had it's own 'code of the road' stigma applied to it, and most people (even those who didn't indulge) knew and adhered. It was also, though never -truly- safe, a whole lot safer then than it is now. The best means of hitchhiking across the state now is either shanks pony all the way or buy a bus pass.
(Of course, I'm for buying a Harley and doing it in style, but that's not exactly hitching a ride. )
Thumb goes up
A car goes by
It's nearly 1am
And here am I
Hitchin a ride
Hitchin a rid
Just How Illegal?
Cheerful Dragon Posted Dec 30, 2009
I've found a website on hitchhiking: http://www.hitchhiker.50megs.com/custom.html According to this site, some states do have rules on where it is or is not OK to hitchhike. In most cases it is phrased as 'A person shall not stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the driver of a vehicle', and '"roadway" means that portion of the road normally used by moving motor vehicle traffic.'
So I'm guessing you can stand on the sidewalk and hitch a lift, or on a grass verge or hard shoulder (whatever that's called in the States).
I also found reference elsewhere to a blanket law that you can't hitchhike on a turn pike.
Just How Illegal?
Cheerful Dragon Posted Dec 31, 2009
A turnpike is a US motorway on which a toll is charged.
Just How Illegal?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 31, 2009
In Colonial America a turnpike was any major road between major towns or colonies for the purpose of commerce or the movement of armies; these were mostly single lane dirt roads through the wilderness that had to be maintained from overgrowth.
The word comes from Middle English and ancient European forms of 'traffic control' and defense. Today the word 'turnstile' survives in a purer sense of its 'toll barrier' origins while turnpike is more loosely applied to many major multi-lane high speed highways.
Word Origin & History
c.1420, "spiked road barrier used for defense," from turn + pike (2) "shaft." Sense transf. to "horizontal cross of timber, turning on a vertical pin" (1547), which were used to bar horses from foot roads.
This led to the sense of "barrier to stop passage until a toll is paid" (1678). Meaning "road with a toll gate" is from 1748, shortening of turnpike road (1745).
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper
Cite This Source
Just How Illegal?
Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron Posted Dec 31, 2009
Georgia's version of the law states:
§ 40-6-97. Pedestrians soliciting rides or business
(a) No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride.
(b) Except as provided in Code Section 40-6-97.1, no person shall stand on a highway for the purpose of soliciting employment, business, or contributions from the occupant of any vehicle.
Here highway "means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel." So sidewalks, shoulders, etc would all be part of the highway.
Just How Illegal?
Anonymouse Posted Dec 6, 2010
And all this begs the question:
Can one be arrested for standing in the middle of a field and pressing a button to hitch a ride from a passing spaceship?
Just How Illegal?
Anonymouse Posted Dec 6, 2010
I guess you have a point, but that's only assuming you actually get a ride. I meant for the simple attempt.
Key: Complain about this post
Just How Illegal?
- 1: Werb (Jan 1, 2000)
- 2: Anonymouse (Jan 2, 2000)
- 3: manda1111 (Dec 30, 2009)
- 4: Cheerful Dragon (Dec 30, 2009)
- 5: manda1111 (Dec 31, 2009)
- 6: Cheerful Dragon (Dec 31, 2009)
- 7: manda1111 (Dec 31, 2009)
- 8: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 31, 2009)
- 9: Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron (Dec 31, 2009)
- 10: Anonymouse (Dec 6, 2010)
- 11: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Dec 6, 2010)
- 12: Anonymouse (Dec 6, 2010)
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