A Conversation for Ask h2g2

My name: the vote

Post 1

Spankmunki: The Answer is Lemons. Next break in the current workload due mid-December.

Here it is, a little earlier that expected but I've been called to go on site. These are the options from F19585?thread=2897499 thanks to all that posted smiley - biggrin. Not much in the way of rules: 1 vote per hootooer and just the votes in this thread or counting will be a little tough.

Corperal Whackgibbon
Herbert Flibblewig.
Commodore Bates
Monkey Wrench Loading Bay
Aaron Aardvark.
Rigvinon Coreneti (still haven't worked this one out).
the evangelised gibbon
bigglesworth the aviator
The vicar of dibble
Cathedral of love
Mr Whippy
Tony Curtis
Eramaneth the ever spaggettied
Dangerous encouter number 4
Spankmunki, Albania (not really a suggestion but thanks Mu all the same smiley - biggrin
Cap.James Onedin
Captain Quirk
Mr quick
trojan horse droppings
snake eyes
funky gibbon
the answer is a lemon
munki rench
Hairy Lemon

Happy voting!

My name: the vote

Post 2

Mu Beta

I don't like any of them.


My name: the vote

Post 3

Spankmunki: The Answer is Lemons. Next break in the current workload due mid-December.

Was that a comment or a last minute suggestion?

My name: the vote

Post 4

Mu Beta

No, that was my vote.


My name: the vote

Post 5


Major Woody on the grounds that it will annoy the censors smiley - bigeyes

My name: the vote

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - erm *thinks* smiley - erm didn't I already vote for George formby? smiley - erm ahh... thats not an option *thinks smiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - magicsmiley - evilgrin

My name: the vote

Post 7


Private_Parts gets my vote.

smiley - surfer

My name: the vote

Post 8

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

the answer is a lemon smiley - erm

smiley - erm or maybe Private_Parts

Ooh I can't decide


*spoils ballot paper*

Oops! smiley - doh

My name: the vote

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I vote for nighthoover.

My name: the vote

Post 10

Not him

major woody

My name: the vote

Post 11


Ben D Toy smiley - huh

My name: the vote

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

yea ! vote often vote now!

My name: the vote

Post 13

McKay The Disorganised

Commodore Bates - so you have to deny being related to Master B all the time.

smiley - cider

My name: the vote

Post 14


I always thought the Vote was over at F19585?thread=134823 but if a vote is going on here I vote for George Formby smiley - smiley

My name: the vote

Post 15

Spankmunki: The Answer is Lemons. Next break in the current workload due mid-December.

So far we've got about the same turn out as local elections smiley - winkeye

My name: the vote

Post 16


you are doing better than we have over at F19585?thread=134823 recently smiley - erm

(BTW: have you voted in that vote yet smiley - huh)

smiley - smiley

My name: the vote

Post 17

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Can I vote for my own suggestion?

If so, it's Oswald.

If not, then The Answer Is A Lemon, for the sheer ridiculousness!

My name: the vote

Post 18


Captain Quirk.

My name: the vote

Post 19

Mu Beta

Captain Quim


My name: the vote

Post 20

Mu Beta

Hmm...I note the profanity filter still lets me say quim.

Quim quim quim.


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