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What's your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 1

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

I am collecting info and opinions and general info on shoe brands for my page @ A813836. If anyone can help please give it your best. I will be very grateful.
Shoal Prexysmiley - towel

What's your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 2


Ooooh, come into my little shoe collection and let me show you around! First of all let me explain that my father's a chiropodist, and HIS mother owned a shoe-shop, just in case you think I have Imelda Marcos' blood in my veins:

My absolute absolute fave shoes are by Nine West. They are lime green slingbacks with turquoise stiching and turquoise wine-glass heels and cerise insoles (I'm not making this up - honest!).

My fave boots are snakeskin ankle bbots by Russell and Bromley in shades of brown and black, with killer heels.

I'm planning a trip to Itlay this Autumn, and on my list of "things to do" is "get a pair of shoes hand made"

What's your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 3

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

I sold shoes for two years. And I know Nine West very well. We sold Nine & Co. A no defuct Nine West company for the teen market. I will add it when there is time. And I will add your name in the proper feilds as well.
Shoal Prexy smiley - towel

What's your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 4

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

PS could you send any other info about those brands, ie fit, sizing , comfort?
Shoal Prexy smiley - towel

What's your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 5

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

My trainers are the comfiest I've ever owned - they are a pair of Rowleys by Vans. For your tv/movie section: they feature in just about an boardie video made smiley - smiley

I have two pairs of smart work shoes - leather soled, expensive no idea who made them, bought in a shop near Liverpool St station. I also have a pair of Cat steel toe capped boots for kicking head in^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H I mean site work.


What's your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 6


I'm a size 39/ 6 and I've got quite broad feet. The 2 pairs I described above look so fashionable that peole often ask if I can walk in them, but they get about 7 or 8 out of 10 on the comfort rating.

today I'm wearing my chunky black Clarks sandals, which are 10/10 comfort wise, although don't score as highly on the "wow" scale.

Short shoe story: I was going out to dinner with my best friend, who complained she didnt have the right shoes to go with her intended outfit. Come round to my place I said, and try on my new chunky black sandals. She paraded up and down in them, unconvinced, and said "No, I think they look like something an orthoepaedic Maths teacher would wear" Catching my horrifed open mouthed gaze as she diss-ed my newest shoes she quickly tried to backtrack by saying "I mean on ME, on ME, they look great on you........"

What's your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 7


I don't have a favourite pair of shoes (do I actually own any shoes?) but I do like boots. My absolute favourite are my thigh high black 4" stilletos. Oh smiley - wow do they make men fall in love with me. smiley - winkeye Plus they make me feel more confident in a dominant kind of way. smiley - handcuffs

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 8

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Anything with a heel, on my wife's feet.
Don't know what it is about heels, but they just make women look so incredibly sexy.

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 9

Lady in a tree

I must put in a nomination for Teva sports sandals. They were/are the original and the best sports sandals and all the others (Timberland, Clarks, etc.,) are merely bad copies. They are ideal for a day at the beach or on the river or surfing or, as my b/f does, for skydiving. (they are well respected and popular in the skydiving community)

As it starts to warm up after Winter the question before we go out of the house is - Is it Teva weather? (warm enough yet?) and over the summer it is *the* thing to get a Teva Tan on your feet. (ie white bits where the straps go)

smiley - biggrin

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 10

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

You are all so Help full. And yes shoes or Boots or sandels I want to know what you wear and why, how it fits, how it looks, anything you can think of. If you want to talk about your sock, 'cause you only wear sock.
Shoal Pexy smiley - towel

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 11

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Danner's Fort Lewis combat boots. I've owned two pairs, so far. The first lasted five years and the second seven. They were waterproof, Gore-tex lined, weighed 14 0z each and could be run in within fifteen minutes of putting them on.

K-Swiss. The whole family owns some. I've had my pair almost two years.

Dr.Scholes anything.

Wearever vinyl clogs. The whole family has some.

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 12

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I know there are shady ethics issues involved, but I find shoes from Gap Kids to be the most comfortable I've worn in my life (yes, I have small feet). Otherwise, my favourites are my substantial collection of weird looking Dr. Marten's shoes and boots. Favourite trainers are my three identical pairs of canvas shoes that I got from the Next outlet shop for about £2 each.

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 13

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I don't do the heels thing. Yeah, they look nice, but they're bloody painful. And bad for you. smiley - winkeye Witness my lovely straight toes...

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 14


Shoes, oh boy!

Well, I have long thin AA/AAA feet, shoes can be a nightmare but I still adore them.

The recent fashion for very pointed shoes make my feet look like canoes. Nine West make the most gorgeous shoes, but they either won't stay on my feet or the long toe makes me look like a comedy turn. Actualy that's true of most manufacturers.

As a child shopping for 'suitable' shoes nearly ended in bloodbaths, I hated the shoes my mother picked out and the Clark's or Startrite monstrosities listed on the uniform inventory particularly so.

My most favourite (currently) is a pair of turquoise leather toe post sandals (flip flops in other words) by Roberto Vianni. With my black leather Ecco ankle boots coming a close second for sheer comfort and I'm 'almost' looking forward to cooler weather to wear them again.

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 15

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

It is strange that the most fashionable shoes are often the most uncomfortable ones.
I try to stop the wife getting too uncomfortable in her high heels by ensuring she remains in a horizontal position with her feet in the air. smiley - winkeye
I'm thoughtfull like that smiley - silly

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 16


Magnum Leather boots, size 11 or 12, cannot remember which. Damn comfortable, broken in quickly, less than 2 days! with no blisters or nothin. Chose Magnums cause the Grinders I used to get I can get no longer, and the Magnums were the closest to them. Apparently the Magnum are the favorites of emergancy personel the world over (though I have not verified this), but comfortable over mountain and down dale, and just keep going smiley - smiley Google can point you to a website telling more smiley - smiley Well, enough of that, until later....
BCNU - Crescent

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 17


Anything with the words Dr. Martens wriiten on the sole smiley - smiley

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 18

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

All shoes are evil. i have never owned a pair of comfortable shoes in my (adult) life. They are torture to break in (feet swathed in plasters) by which time they are knackered.

One pair of sandal things that I wore to travel all round thailand and australia at the beginning of the year gave me blisters when I walked 1 mile into last weekend smiley - steam

I blame my mum for having me wear sensible shoes when I was young - as a result I have feet-shaped feet, rather than pointy shoe-shaped feet. No shoes are made foot-shaped anymore smiley - sadface

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 19

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

So that's why my feet always hurt!... smiley - winkeye

My ice skates don't do my feet that much good, actually. My heels are just swathes of scar tissue. smiley - yuk

What are your Favorite Shoes and Why?

Post 20

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I practically live in my Dr. Martens- I have boots and some nice low-top ones, too ... they're comfortable and they look good with everything I wear. I have a nice pair of black suede Converse One Star tennies, and some groovy Skechers sandals which I wear quite a bit in this warm weather. And I love my knee-high black leather boots, they look great with skirts and dresses.

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