Your Favorite Shoes and Mine

2 Conversations

This will be a list of all mine and your favorite shoe brands. In no way an ad for any of them. It might turn out to be a page of reviews of differant shoe brands. And when I say shoes, I am talking anything you wear on your feet.

Shoe Brands

This is a list of shoe brands with basic info on each. Everything from how they fit to what movies their in. Don't see your favorite on least favorite on the list Hit the button below and hopefully it will be added soon.


The Basics

These are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. Most of their styles look like old bowling, soocer, football, wrestling shoes, or what ever sport you are into. I get people commenting on their look all the time. The styles with the 'brothers' soles feel like you are walking on air.


Seth Green wears them in Rat Race. Noah Taylor wears them in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.


The Basics


Dr. Martins

The Basics



The Basics

Heelys the shoes with Wheels. Have you ever seen kids looking as if they were floating along the ground? That was a Heely. It takes a little practice, but when you are good enough to smoothly sail around corners it is the most fun you will ever have. It makes going to the Grocery a totally new experience!


Rebecca from Heelys was nice enough to send me all of this info. Heelys have been used in the recent movie “Spy Kids II.” They have also been featured on “CNN,” “Good Morning America” and “Live with Regis and Kelly.” Local (DFW,TX) coverage includes examples such as Los Angeles’ Fox affiliate, KTTV (Channel 11) and KTLA (WB/Channel 5). Usher uses Heelys in his “U Don’t Have to Call” video which is currently airing on MTV. Heelys are currently being featured in the independent film, “Flyin’ Ryan” which is being filmed now and will be released straight to video in 2003. Heelys will also outfit talent in an upcoming Reeses ad (to be shot on Friday, 9/6/02). There’s also been quite a bit of international broadcast coverage. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, North Wales’ Uned 5 and French TV also feature Heelys.

New Rocks

The Basics

Some of the coolest, biggest shoes/boots you will ever see. If you haven't check out these, do your self a favor and find a pair!


The Matrix, Lara Croft; Tomb Raider, The Fast and the Furious


The Basics



The Basics



The Basics


Fast Times at Ridgemar High, XXX

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