A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Most Famous
R.T.Ficial Posted Jan 21, 2002
O.K. some of us are getting confused here by the meaning of `most famous`. The most famous name or face as known or reconized by most people in the world would, i`m sure, not include Lincoln or Washington as these two were only really famous in america which despite reports to the contrary, or belief among the indiginous population of said country, only a small percentage of people living today. Perhaps if we broke the fame thing into categories like politicans, sports, films, rock/pop, royalty, prophets, murderers, conquerers, saints. And then picked the most well known among these categories, we might get somewhere. Personally I think there are too many males on the list and not enough females; Is this a sexist thing? 6 females only! I think if we were to show a picture of a particular female to every person alive today in the world, we would have a very large percentage of the worlds population that would reconize her. So I think we would have our answer to who is the most famous living person in the world. Lets look at this logically, before Princess Diana died she was the most photographed female alive. Since her death this mantle has fallen to an american pop star. If said pop star is the most photographed female on the planet, seems logical that she is the most well known, and therefore most famous. (alive.) She is so famous I dont have to mention her name. (she is on the list.)
Most famous person of all time would be very difficult, bearing in mind how christianty has spread through the centuries and around the globe and if we were asking all the people who have ever lived I`d probably go with Jesus Christ.
Most Famous
Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing Posted Jan 21, 2002
Very good point, fame has nothing to do with how worthwhile your contribution to the world has been so even Charlie Manson has every right to get on that list.
Most Famous
Xanatic Posted Jan 21, 2002
So why are you doing aero if you like cars better?
So most photographed means most famous? It's not like the Africans in the bush are reading Vogue.
Most Famous
Xanatic Posted Jan 21, 2002
Yeah, much more famous. Manson is more of an American thing I'd say. Like Ted Bundy.
Most Famous
R.T.Ficial Posted Jan 21, 2002
I suppose the africans might read a copy of vogue after they finish reading their personal copy of the most famous american presidents who ever lived, or Football monthly, or Famous american serial killers. However, they (african bush men) do make up an even smaller percentage of the worlds population than the american people.
Most Famous
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jan 21, 2002
I may be wrong, but I seem to remember reading somewhere not too long ago that Walt Disney was the most recognised name in the world, and third in the list of most recognised phrases/names after "Coca Cola" and "ok" ... but as I said, I may be wrong ...
Most Famous
Xanatic Posted Jan 21, 2002
What I meant was that photographs probably isn't the best way to make someone famous. You can be in Vogue as many times as you want/ The 1 billion population of China might stil not know who you are. It should be something less culture specific.
Most Famous
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jan 21, 2002
He may not be real, he may be an icon only of consumerism, but his image would be recognised all over the planet - Santa Claus. Even more visible than Mr Happy Face.
But, believe it or not, because of television and its ability to communicate beyond religion, beyond the language barrier, I will suggest that the most famous person in the world today is Michael Schumacher. All those budhists and bushmen may not know his name but they'd recognise that Ferrari anywhere. Even Mycroft would recognise the 'Shoo', the real 'Marlboro Man'.
Most Famous
R.T.Ficial Posted Jan 21, 2002
If I showed my ten year old daughter a picture of Walt Disney she wouldn`t have a clue who he was. (even though she has most of their videos). If I showed her a picture of Michael Schumacher she wouldn`t have a clue. Now a picture of Madonna she would reconize instantly. Try it with your own children, if you need the proof.
Most Famous
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jan 21, 2002
Surely this all comes back to the question what is fame. I too would struggle to recognise Walt Disney but that doesn't make him any less famous ...
Would your daughter recognise a picture of Jesus if he wasn't nailed to a cross or wearing a frisbee?
Most Famous
Xanatic Posted Jan 21, 2002
I guess if we saw the real Jesus none of us would. We have all been told he was this tall blonde blue eyed guy.
Most Famous
MrsCloud Posted Jan 21, 2002
Xantic> my course stream options this year were mechanical or aeronautical and aero gave me the range of subjects I like the most and am good at, I will actually come out with a general engineering degree with specialisations in mech (3rd year) and aero (4th year)
Most Famous
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jan 21, 2002
I seem to remember that a few years ago they did a poll (probably only in Britain, or the western hemisphere or something) and the most famous names/brands - not faces - were Disney, the Titantic and Coca-Cola. But I imagine Disney was more of recognition of a corporation than of Walt...
If you're going to split it up then I imagine Jesus would be the most famous religious figure, Queen Victoria would be the most famous British Monarch, Lincoln would be the most famous US President (although the current world situation would mean Dubya is pushing him hard), Madonna or Michael Jackson would be the most famous pop star and so on...
Most Famous
Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing Posted Jan 21, 2002
It is back to definition again, Walt Disney would have to be the most famous name ever as everyone everywhere has heard of him/it. Just as in musical circles everyone knows the name Les Paul (though most believe it to be the Guitar rather than it's designer)
Most Famous
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jan 21, 2002
I actually didn't know that - and I'd consider myself tolerably musical - though perhaps it's because I play the trumpet and not a stringed instrument...
I'd probably pick Mozart or Bach as the most famous classical composers, Stradivari for instrument makers, and probably du Pre for amongst performing musicians
Most Famous
Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing Posted Jan 21, 2002
Oh, but you play proper music then, rather than rock 'n' roll. The Les Paul is a serious bit of Rock equipment (see Spinal Tap) So it makes sense really. Mozart or Lennon/Mccartney for composers/songwriters I'd say.
Most Famous
Go-Go Girl Posted Jan 21, 2002
..I think *most famous* should be in the context of *instantly recognisable and why*...not everyone would recognise a picture of Walt Disney for example...and I am willing to bet that there are people who, although aware of Disneyland/World, have no idea that Walt Disney was actually a person...
Most Famous
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jan 21, 2002
and I imagine there would be a fair number of people who, if you said "Madonna" to would think first of the Virgin Mary
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Most Famous
- 61: R.T.Ficial (Jan 21, 2002)
- 62: Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing (Jan 21, 2002)
- 63: Xanatic (Jan 21, 2002)
- 64: R.T.Ficial (Jan 21, 2002)
- 65: Xanatic (Jan 21, 2002)
- 66: R.T.Ficial (Jan 21, 2002)
- 67: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jan 21, 2002)
- 68: Xanatic (Jan 21, 2002)
- 69: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jan 21, 2002)
- 70: R.T.Ficial (Jan 21, 2002)
- 71: Xanatic (Jan 21, 2002)
- 72: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jan 21, 2002)
- 73: Xanatic (Jan 21, 2002)
- 74: MrsCloud (Jan 21, 2002)
- 75: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jan 21, 2002)
- 76: Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing (Jan 21, 2002)
- 77: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jan 21, 2002)
- 78: Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing (Jan 21, 2002)
- 79: Go-Go Girl (Jan 21, 2002)
- 80: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jan 21, 2002)
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