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What should be the 11th commandment

Post 1

Is mise Duncan

A lot of people say that the 11th commandment is "don't get caught" but that is fairly unproductive for the good of humanity. What would be a good extra commandment that could be applied to all people and for all people?

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 2

E G Mel

Lets start with the current 10, I have chosen the Christian ones and not the Catholic ones, though the Catholic one combines the first two (Do Not Have False Gods) and adds one in at number 9 (Honor your Neighbor's Wife)

1. I am the Lord your God
2. You Shall Not Make Graven Images
3. Do Not Take God's Name in Vain
4. Keep Holy the Lord's Day
5. Honor your Father and Mother
6. Do Not Kill
7. Do Not Commit Adultery
8. Do Not Steal
9. Do Not Lie
10. Honor Your Neighbor's Goods

Having done that I think it covers most things, but how about something along the lines of do unto others as you would have done to you.?

Mel smiley - hsif

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 3

Is mise Duncan

Those rules don't say anything about slavery, pollution, animal welfare or the like. Lets say 2 and 3 can be dropped - you still need at least 11 commandments...maybe more?

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 4


How about "Thou shalt not unilaterally break international treaties vital to the security of everyone on the planet"?

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 5

Wand'rin star

This is a really interesting topic,Dunx. Never having been one to covet my neighbour's ass, I thought of taking the old Boy Scout Laws instead, but then realised that being pure in thought, word and deed would be a total impossibility. So I've had a happy time thinking of 11 of my own (10 + the one you asked for) No particular order except that the first one is the most important:
1.Stand your round, meant literally and as shorthand for "accept your social obligations, do what it takes to belong to this group".
2.Don't whine. Life isn't fair.
3.Accept graciously. The right answer to a compliment of any sort is "Thank you" The right response to a gift is "Thank you very much for thinking of me" A student just bought me a sugar cane drink on a very hot afternoon. Being diabetic, I thanked him warmly and said I'd put it in the fridge for later.
4." Punctuality is the politeness of princes" get there on time or get a message there to say you can't.
5. Clear up your own mess (or PAY someone else to do it for you) both physically and emotionally
6.Meet people at airports - even if they're perfectly capable of travelling by themselves
7. Grow, or buy, sweet-smelling flowers.
8. Once you start earning money, give spare change to beggars. If you haven't got any spare change, say so; don't just scuttle past furtively
9.Praise your children (and other people's) when they do something good. Tell them you love them and give them a cuddle even when they're grown. (Stop being so uptight and British about it)
10. Never answer the question "Does my bum look big in this?" in the affirmative.
11. Lighten up a little - you're a long time dead smiley - star

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

11. Thou shall not use a mobile phone in public, or in earshot of another person.
11.1. Thou shall not be cruel to animals, physically emotionally, or through damage to the physical world.

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 7

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

11. Don't do anything you'd be ashamed to be caught doing.

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 8

E G Mel

Very true... and a good moral for life in general I'd imagine!

Mel smiley - hsif

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 9

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Tends to work for me, and keeps things pretty simple, most of the time. smiley - smiley

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 10

Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver

11. Think before opening your mouth.
12. Understand that rights bring obligations.
13. dont' breed too much.

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 11

Tube - the being being back for the time being

I shall just add the 42 commandmentss of H2G2 as proclaimed at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F19585?thread=103341&post=919339#p919339 1. Thou shalt add good entries to the Guide so that its name is hailed in all Cyberspace. 2. Thou shalt not spit. 3. Thou shalt not take DNA's name in vain. 4. Thou shalt not use the humour of DNA in entries as if thine own. 5. Thou shalt not covet thy fellow researcher's wittier posting. 6. Thou shalt not post to a conversation without having read the backlog. 7. Thou shalt answer to a posting without undue hesitation. 8. Thou shalt respect the opinions of other Researchers. 9. Thou shalt not post profanities. 10. Thou shalt not swear without the liberal use of *s. 11. Thou shalt not make evil fun of thy neighbour's homepage, thy neighbour's links, nor his/her images, nor his/her words, nor spelling, nor his/her ass, nor anything that is in thy neighbours entries. 12. Thou shalt beware of the leopard. 13. Thou shalt not spam. 14. Thou shalt not advertise. 15. Thou shalt not feed the trolls. 16. Thou shalt not use html or Javascript. 17. Thou shalt not excessively indulge in s. 18. Thou shalt not provide inadequate tea. 19. Thou shalt not speak in tongues. 20. Thou shalt not link to outside sources in thy postings and on thy homepage. 21. Thou shalt not worship other online communities or false websites. 22. Thou shalt not link your homepage to outside images, graven or otherwise. 23. Thou shalt not turn to the Encyclopaedia Galactica for reference. 24. Thou shalt visit H2G2 at least once per week. 25. Honour thy Italics, thy Sub-Eds and thy Moderators: that thy entries may stay long. 26. Thou shalt respect copyright. 27. Thou shalt not plagiarise another's work. 28. Thou shall freely distribute chocolate, cheesecake and drinks among my followers. 29. Thou shalt not make thy homepage unreadable in Alabaster. 30. Thou shalt use the smiley wisely so that the proper meaning is conveyed in your forum postings. 31. Thou shalt quest for the deeper meaning of liff. 32. Thou shalt not Thou shalt not press the Yikes button uncalled for. 33. Thou shalt not re-post entries in the hope to find a more moderate Moderator. 34. Thou shalt not let thy topic drift in Peer Review threads. 35. Thou shalt not post to Peer Review in an incorrect format. 36. Thou shalt provide constructive criticism within Peer Review. 37. Thou shalt not represent more than one researcher. 38. Thou shalt not become a researcher unless thou art of age unless thou art here with thy parents consent. 39. Thou shalt not reveal thy true identity lest thou art sure that thou knowst what thou art doing. 40. Thou shalt not eat apples even though you are welcome to use them. 41. Thou shalt not ask "What is the answer to Life the Universe and Everything?" 42. Thou shalt not ask "What is the question to 42?"

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 12


11. Thou shall not spend twenty dollars on a CD it took no more than two dollars to produce. (Muchos gracias, Napster!)

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 13

Lear (the Unready)

Read between the lines and don't take things literally. (That includes The Bible, of course. smiley - winkeye )

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 14


'Thou may ignore the previous 10, if thoust purpose is to forward my cause'
That's been an unofficial one for years - hasn't it?

How about 'Always do the right thing.'?

smiley - cheers


What should be the 11th commandment

Post 15


11. Thou shalt strive to reach the top of the posting list

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 16


The Evolution of Humanism has brought foward the Human Rights which ensure for us a life of peace and wealth for the first time in the history on mankind.

Would you please acknowledge that!

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 17


Ensure? That is quite a strong word. I´d say there has been injustices done in the world since 1948.

But since the original 10 has been altered and ignored by the different religons already, finding the 11th is kind of hard. But I´d have to go with "Thou shalt not shave thy duck."

Any Dilbert fans here?

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 18

Chris M

Thou shalt non covet thy neighbour's 2 litre Renault Megane, even if it is totally lush.

What should be the 11th commandment

Post 19


"Thou shalt not covet cars in general, as they pollute my earth. I gave you two feet for a good reason. Use them, for My sake."



What should be the 11th commandment

Post 20


For the speeder and the brake right?

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