A Conversation for The CLI/STUMPED Mine

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 241

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Pops the shaker of glitter into his pocket, peers into the dark tunnel, then grabs a flashlight from a shelf before proceeding. The flashlight has a sticker on it that reads "B4" */
smiley - dog

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 242

Chesworth, Head of CLI Security

*Chesworth watches goings-on through the eyes of a particular spidercambot*

*the spidercambot has been watching the purple-moustached bot on his sojourn through Admin Level 2, down a tunnel to a rock formation shaped like Douglas Adams' nose, where it writes a note and sticks it up the left nostril, then sneaks back up the tunnel*

*the spidercambot climbs swiftly down the bridge of the nose and into the nostril, where it scans the noste, replaces it, and beams the image back to HQ*

*Eleven leans over to read the note along with Chesworth*

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 243

Chesworth, Head of CLI Security

*Number Eleven's attention is caught by the activation of a new spidercambot, which causes a monitor to wink on*

*He observes the view and the bot's ID*

[Chesworth! They've arrived at Administrative Offices.]

*Chesworth responds with a laconic [Copy.]*

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