A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 1

warner - a new era of cooperation

I guarantee you that the power of Almighty God is greater than America, by whom many are blinded today.
In fact His power is greater than that of an infinite number of comparable nations.
smiley - peacesign

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

There is no god. Apart from that small problem you're spot on.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 3


Are gays, bisexuals, transexuals, sado masochists, all manner of pervs and 2legs allowed on this thread?

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 4

warner - a new era of cooperation

Anyone at all is most welcome smiley - biggrin

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I don't see no one, or no so-called 'god' trying to stop me.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 6

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

What about combos? Gay sado-masochists who drink too much and are known to partake in debauched hedonism of a weekend, for example.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 7


smiley - biggrin Oh goody we're all welcome. so let's talk really down and dirty sex on the Almighty power of God thread smiley - biggrin

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 8

warner - a new era of cooperation

I don't advise breaking the house rules in any thread, if you can avoid it.
And just in case, you know, Almighty God DOES exist, we wouldn't want to bring disaster onto h2g2 or our town, city or nation.
smiley - peacesign

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 9


Extra virgin works quite well for a ladies moment. smiley - blush

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 10

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Don't be silly. Of course god doesn't exist.

Now then, did somebody mention nipple clamps?

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'd like to bring disaster on the corner of h2g2 you're in. FFS, stop filling the site with this boswollox.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Strange you shoudl mention nipple clamps, I was wearing a particularly viscious pair of them last week whilst giving oral service to my friend when I suddnely came distracted by being visciously hit across my buttocks by the 'buckle end' of a leather belt, quite made me loose concentration for a while that did...

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 13


smiley - erm

Why loudly announce one's unsubscription 'for the time being' from one thread only to invite everyone to another thread which doesn't actually have a topic?

Now, to the initial post:

'There is none with greater power than Almighty God'

Until there is evidence of this person's existence, one is quite safe to suggest that a slug has greater power.

'the power of Almighty God is greater than America'

there is no evidence that god exists, is in any sense 'almighty' (the logical problems with this concept have been discussed ad both infinitum and nauseum), or that he/she/it has any 'power' in this universe.

there is certainly evidence both of the existence of the United States of America and its various forms of power, none of which I find terribly impressive at the moment.

'His power is greater than that of an infinite number of comparable nations'

There is no evidence that there are an infinite number of nations, let alone an infinite number of nations comparable to the U.S.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 14

warner - a new era of cooperation

>>Why loudly announce one's unsubscription 'for the time being' from one thread only to invite everyone to another thread which doesn't actually have a topic?<<

smiley - smiley Good question. I was beginning to feel as though that particular thread was being used for attacking my own personal faith. As I didn't start that thread, I thought that I would move over here, so effectively returning it to whatever it originally was before I came on the scene.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 15


smiley - ok warner

carry on with your nonsense.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 16


See, I really wouldn't mind if Jesus came back here, or anywhere in my presence. Jesus was quite fit - tall, lanky, a carpenters son so good with wood.

The only problem I can think of is that once he's come, it takes him three days to come back again. That'd be a problem.

To warner - your God is a delusion, seek help, blah blah blah. The writers of the West Wing were more powerful than your deity - they made an astoundingly accurate prediction. For it was clearly written in the great tome of The West Wing that Matt Santos would return to Earth as Saint Obama. So it was written, so it occured.

All hail Aaron Sorkin smiley - grovel

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 17

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

If I remember correctly, the Big J would have to have been a teacher's son or something and couldn't have been a carpenter, but I remember not why this would be. I think Christopher Hitchens was involved somewhere.

I misread 'three days to come again' as 'three days to come'. That would lead to a rash at the very least, I'm sure.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 18

Taff Agent of kaos

<< is greater than that of an infinite number of comparable nations.>>

America is a large nation, the world is of finite size, so to have an infinite number of comparable nations we must have an infinite amount of room for them to inhabit,

so warner where is your PROOF that there is other life in the universe so we can compare it to your imaginary god,

otherwise you are just using words, to say your imaginary god is grater than a small blue insignificant planet in the western spiral arm of the galaxy,

when compared with all of the universe is not very powerful at all!!!!!!?

smiley - bat

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 19

Taff Agent of kaos

my imaginary God is better than your imaginary god. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

smiley - bat

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 20

A Super Furry Animal

My Flying Spaghetti Monster can beat up your Jesus.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

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