A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 81

Taff Agent of kaos

who are the council of faiths??? are they christian based???

they want to preserve part of a celebration on the pagan festival of may day


smiley - bat

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 82

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

History would have taken a much different path had you been writing Martin Luther King's speeches for him...

Now there is an unholy injustice, how come no-one remembers the name of the guy that actually wrote Martin Luther King's speeches?

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 83

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Here's more:

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 84

Taff Agent of kaos

sorry Aza I'm restricted to the BBC at work, just wanted to know if the council of faiths were christian based, because it strikes me of hipocracy if they are and supporting what is in efect a pagan festival

smiley - bat

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 85

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - weirdsmiley - headhurts I need more alcohol or something like a crazed horse and a large blue woolen blanket, and a small napsack, and a long windy road of tree lined nature with strange earery shadows and dark forboding twigs and pinacles of small furcones.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 86

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

"the Oxford Council of Faiths, which has representatives from all the city’s major faith groups, has called for a rethink"

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 87

Taff Agent of kaos

and will they support those who end up with broken bones, or get skewered on a shopping trolley, or who drown, because they jump off magdellen bridge on may day when they would not even consider it any othertime apart from a friday night after a skinfull of scrumpy jack and 4-5 dodgy pills

smiley - bat

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 88


Oh my. They've done it again.

'The victim of sexual violence after which she became pregnant, a 23-year-old Saudi woman has been condemned to one year in prison, and 100 lashes. The news has been reported by the Saudi newspaper Saudi Gazette, which says that the judge punished the woman because she is guilty of “adultery,” having accepted “a ride from a stranger.” The man and his friends abused her the entire night.

The court of the district of Jeddah handed down the sentence after the unmarried woman “confessed to having forced intercourse with a man who offered her a ride.” According to the young woman’s testimony, he took her to a house east of Jeddah, and, together with four friends, abused her the entire night.

Following the rape, the woman became pregnant; she was eight weeks pregnant when she went to the military King Fahd Hospital. According to the judge, the woman is guilty of “adultery” simply because she is not married, and she has been sentenced to a year in prison.

The hundred lashes will be given after she delivers the baby; the child will take his mother’s last name.'


There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 89

Is mise Duncan

Nope - I think an infinite number of infinitely big things is exactly the same size as an infinite number of infinitely small things. Both are infinite.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 90


On the subject of infinities:

This is something I learned when I was twelvesmiley - erm

'Mathematical set theory has led to some interesting conclusions over the years. One of the most interesting is the idea that not all infinities are equal.'


There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 91

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

I am unsubscribing as think Warner is a nutty as me, and that is saying something, just by us being here it panders to and encurages him further. He gives religeon a bad name and no longer wish to encourage him so,

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 92

Paolo77- What the crocodile hat was that? someone needs to snowflake that teapot!

All hail Satan!

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 93

warner - a new era of cooperation

Please all witness that I believe in Almighty God, and my purpose of existence is to worship Him ALONE!
smiley - peacesign

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 94

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Well good luck with that.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 95

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Yes have fun worshiping your non-existant lepricorn, whilst it serves as a means to allow you to not have to think for yourself or question the world of reality around you in any meaninful way. The rest of us can get on now then with living in the real world whilst you can go away and have fun blinding yourself with faulse aborations and meaningless dogma that relenquishes your responsibility for any action or thought you may have.

Right, anyone for a bit of good ole fashioned glutany and debauchary whilst the 'ritious' are all off away being 'ritious'

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 96

warner - a new era of cooperation

What is excellence in worship?

It is striving to worship Almighty God as if you see Him, and although you probably cannot see Him,
He is indeed constantly watching over you!
smiley - peacesign

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 97

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

No he isn't: he's a human invention. Read a little of the history and it all becomes quite clear.

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 98


>>He is indeed constantly watching over you!<<

Are you sure not confusing him with Santa Claus? It's an easy mistake to make - both beardy men, both supposedly omnipresent and omniscient, both believed in my the young and the ignorant.

smiley - musicalnote He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake smiley - musicalnote

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 99

warner - a new era of cooperation

1 Ta Ha
2 We did not reveal the Quran to you, to cause you any hardship.
3 Only to remind the reverent.
4 A revelation from the Creator of the earth and the high heavens.
5 The Most Gracious, firmly established on the throne of authority.
6 To Him belongs everything in the heavens, and the earth, and everything between them, and everything beneath the ground.
7 Whether you declare your convictions aloud or not, He knows the secret, and what is even more hidden.
8 God; there is no other god besides Him. To Him belong the most beautiful names.
smiley - book Qur'an - Ta Ha

There is none with greater power than Almighty God

Post 100

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)


"5 The Most Gracious, firmly established on the throne of authority."

Are you implying that we are God's morning dump?

"8 God; there is no other god besides Him. To Him belong the most beautiful names."

You've not hear of Thor then? I tell ya', you're missing out.

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