A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 1


Will it be possible to vent our spleens here folks?

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 2

The Myth Of Fingerprints

Looks good to me Vic. Someonementioned the Channel 4 site. That would really stick 2 fingers up to the Beeb wouldn't it?

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 3

barn door

Evening VL

Had to change my name slightly, but there you go.

I'll be having a look around the boards now...

Mind you, they'll probably close this one down soon as well.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 4


Good to see you folks.

Have a good look around, seems a bit strange here at first but I think we can make a home of it.


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 5


I wonder if Jeremy knows?

Some of his good friends will be very upset.

We may have another place to go to, we'll see...


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 6


What's wrong with this QS?


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 7


yeah but the modding system is still the same?

seems very cluncky


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 8


Trust you to find a new place for us to post drivel in the evening instead of doing something productive. Nice one, vic. No stupid smilies on this site to "express" ourselves?

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 9


They'll probably decide to close these boards next VL

Not that I'm cynical, bitter or twisted in any way...


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 10


The modding system is a lot better Andy, and it only feels clunky because it's new to you.

It can also be accessed from the old R2 page, so even if you are still using their other boards you can click straight into this.

And there are more smileys here!

Vic. Viva la revolution!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 11

The Myth Of Fingerprints

No smiley - bleep ing 3 minute wait too!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 12


Most of the content on h2g2 is created by h2g2's Researchers, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the BBC.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 13


Does anyone know how you send personal messages over here?

Not that I want to, I just want to know how to, if you see what I mean!


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 14

The Myth Of Fingerprints

Mrs Myth used to call the old board a Chat Room. Wait til she gets a load o' this one!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 15


What no three minute wait!


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 16

The Myth Of Fingerprints


Which section is this thread in? I went to the Front Page and couldn't find my way back. Had to come back via the R2 board.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 17

The Myth Of Fingerprints

No 3 minute rule and you can smiley - bleep swear words out!

Wonder where BJ is.

Must tell him where we are!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 18


That's what I find a problem, finding my way around h2g2!

BDG spends time here, we need to ask her!


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 19


Myth, I'm just getting used to this, there is a link 'conversation list' on every page I think.

If you get stuck though just go to 'My Space' at the top of the page and all your conversations can be accessed from there, plus lots of other stuff.............I think.


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 20

The Myth Of Fingerprints



Will take some time I guess.

I think there are too many Message Boards in here.

Need to find just one to use.

This one seems to be in the 'Welcome to the Board' area or something.


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