A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 21


Found you all.

Screw JV and R2....

This'll do nicely.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 22

The Myth Of Fingerprints

Yes, it seems to be here:

all about h2g2/h2g2information/welcome messages


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 23


where are the smilees, vic


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 24


Myth, if you click on my name (on the post) you can save me as one of your contacts, freinds, buddies or whatever. That way you can leave a private message to me in 'my space' and vice versa.

Coincidentally, Bobby, Sizz, Bdg and I were having a look over here a few nights ago.


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 25

Agent Sizzle

But how do I get from my Safari homepage straight to a clear overview of the conversations on here, without having to trawl through loads of stuff? There doesn't seem to be a system of groping topic areas as such.

Am I just dense? Am I missing something?

One good thing, though - no pre-modding!!!!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 26


Glad you could make it Wheezer, seems only the rationalle are getting here.


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 27


oh I'm in , how did that happen , this is confusing, I'm gonna need help with this board, someone, anyone ...help!!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 28


Fraid I have to go out message board chums, keep this going and spread the word on the 'old' board.

By the way, this is 24 hour.

And there are smileys Andy, I don't know how to use them but BDG is an expert.


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 29


wow not easy to find your way around this site!


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 30

barn door

Am I plastercast? (summer 06)

Or barn door? (sept onwards)

I seem to have both on my screen!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 31

Agent Sizzle

Hi Andy

I found the smileys!!!


Here's one you'll find useful...
smiley - drool

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 32

The Myth Of Fingerprints

You are actually allowed to post your own contact details on here too!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 33

The Myth Of Fingerprints

Hi Andy

I found the smileys!!!


Here's one you'll find useful...

Hey, this seems to work too. It doesn't put it in a box though.

Bulletguy will hate this smiley smiley - ale


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 34


Looks worth invesigating.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 35


not sure about this , too confusing for me, have to investigate further, oh I hate change!!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 36


Hi Agent

Regarding the help I need with German. I am writing a novel and I need someone who has a good understanding of the language and could have a look at how the Germans might have named items that are now established in the English (and worldwide) vocabulary.

No more than ten words/phrases.

For this you'll get my undying thanks and a mention in the foreword - assuming I can find a publisher!

BDG, Helen May and WG have all met me and have lived to tell the tale.

If you're interested email me on [email protected]

Ta very much

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 37

The Myth Of Fingerprints

Myth, if you click on my name (on the post) you can save me as one of your contacts, freinds, buddies or whatever. That way you can leave a private message to me in 'my space' and vice versa.

Coincidentally, Bobby, Sizz, Bdg and I were having a look over here a few nights ago.


Vic, just tried it.

You need to edit your space before people can leave messages.

Anyone know what time this place shuts?

This could be really really bad if it is open all hours !!!


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 38


I like this one AS smiley - love


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 39


Well...what a carry on.
I just wonder how many will sign up over here.
Very sad that the old boards are going but life goes on.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 40



Ahhh...the reach of the Radio Two Fascists goes as far as h2g2. I used to post on here and logged on as phillip phlopp but it seems that this name is banned here as well.

Never mind eh?


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