A Conversation for The Royal h2g2 Geographical Institute

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 121


Good stuff. Think I'll jump onboard!

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 122

Number Six

Lovely, you're both in smiley - ok

(Admiral, sorry for the delay smiley - grovel

See you over in the Members Bar - it might be handy if you were to post on this thread, for starters:

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 123


I've been convinced!
(And I was tootling around in Peer Reveiw wondering if anyone gave a hoot about places... <sniffle&gtsmiley - winkeye
Where to first?

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 124

Dr Hell

Number six said: "Someone like you would certainly be a very useful member..." ( smiley - winkeye )

So here I am - trying to be useful. Please take me on board.


OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 125


Now this seems much more like what I thought the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy should be. Who the hell cares about ballet and the history of dress shoes? I want to know where a good bar is if I'm in Prague. I'm in.

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 126

Number Six

Excellent. As I recall, there's one on the corner of V Jircharich and Pstrossova behind the National Theatre, one at the bottom of the hill on the way up to the Vysehrad, and on the other side of the Charles Bridge one at the south end of Na Kampe next to the Lichtenstensky Palac smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 127


*points to title*

smiley - whistle

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 128

Number Six

You know, I've not got time to count again right now, but I think it was 74 last time so I think you're our 75th member. smiley - bubbly

smiley - mod

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 129


smiley - biggrin Woo!

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 130


Count me in, please.

smiley - run

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 131


smiley - whistle

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 132

Number Six

Oh, you're in! I just need to add you to the lists...

smiley - mod

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 133


smiley - cheers

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 134


well, you seem so convinced i could be of some use, i might as well join! i hope you're right! smiley - biggrin count me in.

the person you HAVE to get on board is IanG, writer of A303346 on the Hanger Lane Gyratory System. i laughed til i cried when i read that.

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 135


This will be my first project, but you've got to start somewhere!

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 136


Im in!. all present and correct smiley - smiley

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 137


This is exactly what I thought the Guide would be about! The times I've travelled, local knowledge (especially about pubs!) has been invaluable!!
I'm more than convinced - count me in!!

smiley - cheers

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 138


Count me in, this was what I was looking for.

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 139

Number Six

Excellent, and welcome. I'll add you all to the lists as soon as I can, but I'm not around h2g2 that much at the moment... smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

OK, you've convinced me - I'd like to join the Society

Post 140

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

*knock, knock*

Can I come in?

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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