A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3221


What does ay parrot taste like, I wonder?
Who remembers the three questions that the man @ the bridge of death asks people who try to cross? If you say that you "don't know" to him then,-smiley - skull. smiley - yikes

smiley - laugh

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3222

Dr. Megabite

What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is your favourite colour?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3223


Good job.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3224

Calliopes_Sleepy Face

Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3225

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - titsmiley - runs behind the welcoming desk
Looks in the oven . . .

smiley - puff `,-smiley - snowball

"You are dry now, come on now, customers waiting. Go sit on your perch. "

Places in cage, hammering noise

"smiley - whistle"

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3226


smiley - huh, none of my business... (consults dubious 'economics'book), maybe shares'll go up...
smiley - laugh

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3227


A porcelan parrot?
What will they think of next (dare I even ask. }ulp{ )
Oh, alright, what the hey!
What'll they think of next?
smiley - ok
I know, sounds a bit cliched. smiley - doh

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3228


Liable ta break yer teeth offa that one smiley - skull. Might want ta have folks sign an accidental (Or is that Occidental?) smiley - injured insurance waiver first. s'pposed if it really did look quite good enough to eat though smiley - laugh, then the court might wanna 'ave a bite too!
Then the advice my attorney 'ould give would be : "smiley - run Away!"

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3229


smiley - run away!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3230


Wish the tv hadn't broken. Can't run the VCR offa the computer. Media "Streaming" technology is a big joke...
All those "anti-media piracy" pressure groups probably saw to it.
Lobbyists, the devil have your lobbyists! I wanna watch Monty Python smiley - wah [bawls out like an idiot.smiley - footinmouth: like that time w/ asking out that one girl... um, smiley - erm let's not go there smiley - doh].

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3231

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

get the comfy chair

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3232

Flying Penguin

Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot! Make sure it's not an ex-parrot.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3233


...but please not the Freudian longe-chair. smiley - doh
holds up a small sign that warns; Prosecutors will be psychoanalyzed.

smiley - laugh
-Thornsmiley - wizard

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3234

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*looks at all people wanting to join*

Oooh smiley - bigeyes

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3235

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit in his welcoming suit
"Flying Penguin"

Here are some s, help yourself smiley - evilgrin

For now you will have to wait on the Doormat < A2091511 > smiley - ok"

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3236


smiley - headhurts

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3237


smiley - footinmouth: IOs tha' shrubbery hunt thing...kinda like a snipe-hunt?
"Wha's that?"-You say. Well I'ms nottabouttotell yous. That'd spoil the whole thing fer everybody else it would.
So I won't. smiley - tongueout: So there.

smiley - ok?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3238


smiley - nahnah
And don't pretend you "smiley - erm don't-know-what-I-means" either.
sure I'm "smiley - smileybein-a-good-sport-about-it" likes. smiley - laughs
smiley - cheers


Post 3239


Doesn't ' Squirrel Chain Gangs ' sound Pythonesque?

Y or N ?


Post 3240


Not overly, no.

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