Home of the Flying Penguin
About The Flying Penguin
What Am I
I am, of course, a penguin. A very lean athletic antipodean emperor penguin, and one of the relatively few penguins which can fly. It is believed there are about 40 flying penguins in the world, but our numbers are growing.
What Is My Purpose
Flying penguins have long realised that they actually have no purpose, so they just do whatever they want. It could be said that a flying penguin's purpose is whatever it wants. On occasion, my purpose has been to engage in long flights on the beach with a bottle of pink champaigne, whilst gazing lovingly into the eyes of a female flying penguin. On other occasions it has been to get plastered on beer before playing sports which flying penguins excel at, such as ultimate frisbee. Other potential purposes:- Drinking beer (and associated things such as pubs and parties)
- Cycling
- Climbing (or more specifically bouldering)
- Travelling
- Silly British television (but I'm certainly not silly myself)
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Friend | Sep 4, 2005 |
Hello and Welcome flyingPenguin... | May 20, 2005 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
I'm 20 and failed as a keeper | No Posting | May 29, 2020 |
Not bored | No Posting | May 4, 2020 |
Short years | No Posting | May 20, 2019 |
18 and a day | No Posting | Jul 13, 2018 |
Hati is 15 | No Posting | Sep 27, 2015 |
Flying Penguin
Researcher U1566327
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