A Mixture of Nonsensical Words and Bad Quotes
'Life, the universe, and everything' ... no hang on thats been done.
'One giant step for man' ... no that too.
Errr ... 'I had a dream that all men' ... nope.
Friends, Romans, Country men lend me your ears. Not literally please don't go cutting them off for me or anything you're not Van Gogh and it makes an awful mess on the carpet.
One day I will be brimming with knowledge and have lots of interesting things to say but for now I'll just keep blowing raspberries with my floating fish. My raspberry blowing partner is also on here. He is brilliant at raspberries and all kinds of other things (as you can see if you visit his page). He is so good he even updated a guide entry about them. Now they are 'Mostly Raspberries'!
In Greek mythology Calliope (Kall-i-oh-pee) is the muse of epic poetry and eloquence.
A teacup is a container from which you would be expected to drink tea. Other liquids may also be sipped from a teacup, for example, juice, wine, beer, liquid nitrogen and so on, but this is usually seen as bad etiquette/life threateningly dangerous.
Books worth reading
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Offred is given one function by the Republic of Gilead, breed. If she does not she will be killed. A futuristic novel that is so close to a possible reality it's scarey.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
The story of a Londoner, Richard Mayhew, who gets pulled into London Below after helping Door, a girl who is being chased by two rather interesting hired thugs! Sound good, go read it!
The Long Dark Tea Time of The Soul by Douglas Adams
Very interesting and fun. Anybook that starts out talking about the phrase pretty as an airport has got to be good!
A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Using a mixture of genetic engineering, brain washing, casual sex and drugs, the World Controllers have created the ideal society for men and women alike.
Vurt by Jeff Noon
Taking 'drugs' through feathers, shadowgirls and robo. Game Cat setting the rules. But all Scribble wants is to find his sister and trade her back for the Thing. She's lost in the most dangerous Vurt of all, Yellow.
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