A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3161


Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3162


So...., If I jump up and down, scream, holler, throw things off roofs, dance by myself, kick a big rock with no shoe, can I be treated extra special here? smiley - smiley

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3163


Thanks for the parrot, my life is complete. Will add the badge to my pssmiley - run

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3164


Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!

Do I get some seed for the parrot

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3165

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!

Do it quickly.... before someone nails my head to the coffee table....

Bassman smiley - coolsmiley - biker

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3166


I shall put my parrot in the box, along with the truthsmiley - smiley

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3167

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

My names Bruce and I have my own shrubbary, can I sproijn?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3168


Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3169


I can quote any and all of the movies including the series.I like mooooooose and fishy fishies and LLAMA LLAMA LLAMAS!!!! By the way, how will i know that i have been accepted?

And Now For Something Completely Different:

Vigilante Groups Strangling Chickens

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3170


I need some help on dressing up in womens clothing. It's hard enough to take a bra offsmiley - tongueout but how do I put one on? Maybe I will just not wear one. Then I will go hang out in bars.smiley - kisssmiley - magic

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3171

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

Do the newbies have to do something before we're added to the drop down menu of members? Like fight a black night or find a shrubbery or something?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3172

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - zenThis is a test for your patience. You need to prove yourself worthy by waiting until whoever's in charge puts you on the list. smiley - zen

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3173


Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!

p.s what is the correct spelling of ni!

p.p.s let me in the society!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3174


Ni! Ni! Ni!

I propose that unless Cat-Eyes updates the list soon, and lets all these nice Python-like people be Pythonists, we run after her and shout 'Ni!' lots of times!!!!! smiley - biggrin

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3175


I agree!smiley - smiley

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3176

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

*lights some torches to go mobbing with* Ni! Ni! Ni! Ekky-ekky-ekky-fortang-zip-boing-blurb-ni!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3177

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit still working on the backlog
"smiley - sadfacesmiley - evilgrin

U1685894 midgetmogget
smiley - corncobsmiley - pumpkin (bird feed)
U1588302 archShade

U47285 Bassman
smiley - coffee

no boxing of parrots, please

U169793 smiley - wow King 2legs
smiley - goodluck Welcome smiley - goodluck

U1725388 DooDles
smiley - zen

U1738401 ChiefNautilus

To be added to the waiting list on the doormat
< A2091511 >

'Cat-Eyes': Ni! Ni! Ni! smiley - biggrin


I want to be in the Society!

Post 3178


So I can have my free parrot now? That make's me swell with pride!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3179


You do not want to be farted towards your general direction!?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3180


I would rather eat spam spam spam eggs and spam

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