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I think I might be able to help
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Started conversation Apr 12, 2003
Hi there Hitchhiker! I am His Divine Shadow (
), your resident ACE. I can help you with many of the problems you might encounter here on H2G2. And if I am not available, then you can ask one of our many other friendly <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors) or Gurus (they are masters of Guide ML and can easily answere your technical questions) to help you in any way, shape, or form.
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Your resident ACE,
His Divine Shadow
I think I might be able to help
~Pink~Glitter~ Posted Apr 12, 2003
Wow, thanks for all the great information i'm sure it will help me out! Theres just so much to discover on here, i'll probably be here for hours trying to figure it all out!!!
I think I might be able to help
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Apr 12, 2003
I didn't have a friendly ACE like me, my ACE never bothered to be much help. SO, I hope I can do better
His Divine Shadow
I think I might be able to help
~Pink~Glitter~ Posted Apr 12, 2003
How long have you been an Ace thingy?
I think I might be able to help
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Apr 12, 2003
three or four days now
I think I might be able to help
~Pink~Glitter~ Posted Apr 12, 2003
Cool, well i'll probably be hassling you loads over the next couple of days as i try to get my head around this site
I think I might be able to help
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Apr 12, 2003
that's what I'm here for
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I think I might be able to help
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