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Is this...: The Match

Post 321


Cheers V Max-I think you told me a while ago about it.I've just been chatting to one of the birds here whilst a was having a drop of Earl Grey and she was on about the guy she's been living for around five years she said," he's a liar a cheat doug-he's been knocking that slag of in admin".then she paused to have a slurp of her tea then said,"i never trusted him doug-he cheats so much i'm not even sure this baby i'm carrying is his".Then she paused to have another slurp of tea and a bite of a custard slice then said,"are you doing anything tonight doug",well me flabber was gasted so i finished the brew and said "no!" just like that and that was it i walked away.

Is this...: The Match

Post 322


VMax, you are the geniussmiley - laugh Incredible joke, serioussmiley - laugh

Doug. Football came out of Rugby and if I'm not mistaken a lot of people all over the world play Rugby. As for basketball, it simply interesting to watch how high a person can jump. Though it is interesting how these two got invented

Is this...: The Match

Post 323

The Magster

you can't beat a good game of hockey smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 324


I agree with that 100%. I've played it myself (though it was roller hockey) and those were real good timessmiley - ok

Is this...: The Match

Post 325

The Magster

No Legers! Real hockey, in hockey boots, on grass or mud. I played CF and I loved cracking shins at the bully off smiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 326


Oh. Are you 2 Flirting over here now smiley - smiley?

Is this...: The Match

Post 327


I agree. But I never had a chance to do it the way it was supposed to be done. But cracking people's faces did happen a few times on the field of Roller Hockey

Is this...: The Match

Post 328

The Magster

Yes Hazel smiley - winkeye
Legers faces are messy. It's good to watch a face though when the stick makes a crack against the me a sadist if you like smiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 329


I agree its fun to watch but its a bad situation to be in. Everything doubles for about five minutes after the hit.smiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 330

The Magster

Oh but there is a deep satisfaction from knobbling someone and you just have to remember not to get knobbled yourself smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 331



I got to go now

Peace out and have a good hockey dreams.smiley - cool

Is this...: The Match

Post 332


Well thankyou Legers-for that detailed report on Rugby & Baseball.Now Ice Hockey thats an whole new ball game..errr before you butt in and say:"its not a ball game doug" well you can puck off because i know it isn't.I use to watch it in Canada and i thought it ewas a very interesting game but i never fancie having a go i think its because i cant skate.H.ll what do you think of Magster, whipping round the field in a short skirt and holding a big stick..well legers-old chap the only way i would watch Magster, specially if she had that big stick would be if she was on TV.Something to think about here Legers-Old chap who the h.ll invented golf what a boring game that is..i heard it was an American Pool Player who was crap at playing pool so he invented golf.Maybe you can enlighten with your great knowledge Legers-old chap i'm sure you will.Magster,Legers i hope you have a good weekend take you 2.smiley - strawberriessmiley - tennisball

Is this...: The Match

Post 333


Doug, I think golf was invented in much simpler way. Since the real glof players are almoust all dirt rich bastards, it was one of their kind that must of invented it. Some poor old chap had too much fun and too much of G'n'T of his. At some point of the night, when someone threw him "accidently" out of the party, he became very upset. To make himself better he decided to break the car windows of the other guests attending the party. Not to be spotted he ran out far into the near by field and from there started shooting rock with the help of his hand stick.

Is this...: The Match

Post 334


Well Legers-Old chap once again you ahve excelled yourself..and amazed me with your knowledge of sport.Y'know i think your the Magnus
Magneson,of sport..Hey!Legers-who do you think invented fishing?anyway must dash i'm on centre court in five minutes.smiley - strawberriessmiley - runsmiley - tennisball

Is this...: The Match

Post 335


Good Morning all you guys Specially Alistair,Legers,Pat,V Max-And all the other tuff guys out their.Just want to tell you the whethers kinda crap but not to bad owld doug can put up with it and i hope its the same where you guys are.I had a Ruby lastnight and it was great whilst i was eating it but this morning my guts feel like they've been in a cement mixer and the bedroom smells like some skin heads throw a muster gas canister innnit.Also i had quite a few pints with it so i think i'll leave me shave till me hand steadies a bit.Well thats it really if i have more to tell you i will tell you later.See yeh later you guyssmiley - boingsmiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 336


Careful with that razor blade. We eon't want any accidents here. As for fishing, I've got nothing for know. MAyeb latersmiley - cheers

Is this...: The Match

Post 337


Good Morning Legers,Ali,Max and Pat-Well i hope the weathers better where you lot are than it his hear its fact theirs been a storm warming.Hey! what was i saying to you about we're having to much rain cos that dad blamed twitch grass his taking over,i blame this global warming!!Now if i was to say smiley - strawberries
you no what i'm talkin about wouldn't you gawd these townies cant get enough of them.Legers,Ali,Max and Pat-i dont blame that on global warming i blame it on Wimbeldon y'know the smiley - tennisballs.Anyway like the Bishop-to-be of Reading says:"never let your braces dangle in the dust because you never know what they will pick up".If i have anymore news i will let you know..see you guys later bye hey! Ali,Pat,thats i cricket term isn't it, "well i be blowed" as the Bishop said.smiley - tomatosmiley - runsmiley - tennisball

Is this...: The Match

Post 338


Wimbelton you say? I'm positive that its not that. I think that that Rain God from "Good bye and thanks for all the fish" lives near you.

Is this...: The Match

Post 339


Good Morning-Ali, Pat, Legers and V Max,I'm a bit p.ssed off with this Wimbeldon thing.I put the VCR on to tape a Documentry about the life cycle of a Gold fish and it was never on just because this Henman guy was playing Tennis and what a load of rubbish he was..anyway Pat,Ali-there soon will be another lot of boring gear on the bl..dy cricket!anyway i must dash its been nice talking to you all.smiley - strawberries ooooops i nearly forgot good morning Mags,CG,Scarlet,Wnys..smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - loveblush

Is this...: The Match

Post 340


Lifecycle of a gold fish?? Why would you watch that?

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