A Conversation for 2003 South Wales Meet

I'll come

Post 181


smiley - laugh Just make sure you get that map the right way round tomorrow, I'd hate for you to end up in Chepstow rather than Cardiff...

Where in the Prince of Wales? Hmm; I would suggest downstairs, propping up the bar as close as possible to the entrance that's on your right as you walk from the bus station to St Mary Street (sorry it's a bit vague, can't quite remember the exact geography! At the very least prop up the bar downstairs).

Recognizing each other. You mean a picture of me isn't enough? As rare as hen's teeth they are... smiley - erm Drape a towel over your shoulder. Not frighteningly original I know, but the best I can come up with. at this short notice.

I'll come

Post 182


smiley - laugh I won't hit Chepstow, that's where I originally come from - give or take a few miles. Scotland is always a possibility though.

Ahhhh, just found the picture. smiley - ok I think I'll be the one who turns up, trips over the front door, crashes into a crowd of people round the bar, knocks over her drink and then realises that I'm still wearing my pajamas. The way things are going atm this is entirely possible.

I'll come

Post 183


...or I would have, but I've just got a fax through and I'm off to Aberystwith and Cardigan tomorrow and that will take up my whole day. Soory one and all,especially as I suggested it in the first place. I'd really like to meet you all.
Have a good day, Colin.

I'll come

Post 184


smiley - wah Ah, bad luck Colin! Next time perhaps.

Dunno who'll organise that though smiley - winkeye

I'll come

Post 185

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

Now I'm here in town I realise there is a rugby match on today in cardiff... a bit lat to warn people I guess... been in the pub the past hour and two pints later it's still crowded... Llanelli and Newport fans I think... Well hopefully I'll have seen y'all before you read this...


I'll come

Post 186

Siren Of The Black

Oh no.... smiley - wah I can't make it. Huge apologies to be telling you all so late on... I'm truely sorry. Not that anyone will miss me I suspect smiley - winkeye heh.
Perhaps if we have another meet later in the year when I haven't got finals looming ominously in the near distance I could come along then.
Hope you all had a great day and didn't get too tiddled! Heh.
Be well and happy smiley - biggrin
smiley - magic

I'll come

Post 187


smiley - cheers 'twas good fun, sorry to all who couldn't make it.

Check outhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A1040770

I'll come

Post 188


And here's the proof that something did happen:


Make of it what you will...

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