2003 South Wales Meet

2 Conversations

If you've come here, you're probably either interested in a meet-up in South Wales; or you accidentally fell through a random hole in the h2g2 space-time continuum whilst looking for something else. If you'd like to join in the meet, or have got any suggestions or comments about the plans, please post them in to a concversation below.

If you were looking for something else, well why not come along anyway, since you're here now?

Where? And doing what?

Where else but Cardiff1? The original plan was for a day out at St Fagans, AKA the Museum of Welsh Life. Then we had second thoughts. After a period of head-scratching we've decided to go bowling, possibly visit a fantastic steakhouse, and maybe even indulge in a quizz of some form. Certainly many beverages will be a key part of the day throughout.

And most importantly, When?

Saturday, May 3rd. This started as a provisional date, but it got more and more set and less and less provisional, and now it's pretty well fixed. It'd ony confuse and annoy people if we changed it now. Of course, this is May Bank Holiday Weekend, which may make things even more interesting...

Meeting up

We'll be meeting between 12 noon and 1:00pm in the Prince of Wales pub. This is a large Wetherspoons right next to the main bus and train stations. From there we'll head off to UCI for the bowling; after that I suspect the plan gets a bit, um, dynamic2.

If for any reason you can't meet us at lunchtime, never fret. Post a note below or at my personal space and we'll work something out.

Finally, Who?

Well, so far there's me (Dolt), and:

And also a couple of maybes:

As you can see, it's not exactly a complicated plan. Just to reiterate, if you'd like to jon in or have any further suggestions please post them below. Thankyou!

1Actually, I can think of several places I'd rather go, but a day out on the Brecon Beacons is even more difficult to organize2That is, we make it up as we go along

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