Me, I guess
These are just a few of my favorite things;
Reading, though I'll read almost anything once, I'm most likly to pay money for books (assuming I can find something I don't already have) by I.Asimov, D.Brin, O.S.Card, T.Clancy, T.Goodkind, F.Herbert, K.Kerr, P.McAuley, and many others too numerous to remember.
Music, rather than describe my tastes heres who I like; Barenaked Ladies, Moxy Fruvous, NIN, Tracey Chapman, Paul Simon, Great Big Sea, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metalica, and some others too numerous to remember.
Roleplay, I enjoy running and playing table-top roleplays, while I will play any system, in any genre, I've only run fantasy games so far, and for the moment at least I'll be staying set in my way as far as that is concerned. I've also tried various online roleplaying set ups, but because of my lack of typing ability I find it more effort than I feel the reward is worth. Also tried my hand live roleplay of various types, occasionaly fun, but I get frustrated by being too tall to play Dwarf characters, or by bad acting, my own and other peoples.
Hootoo stuff
The Keeper of Nothing.
A member of the Random Quotes Guild
A member of The Royal h2g2 Procrastinators Society
Favourite quotes random or otherwise;
"Wizards first rule: people are stupid" Zedd
"Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people" The Refreshments
"my shoes are too tight and I have forgotten how to dance" Londo
"For those of you who are still here thank you, the rest of them were complete b*****ds anyway"Laura (at time of writting Bored Laura)
PS. Apologies for spelling grammer etc, and by the way I'll probably be adding to this as time goes by.
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i am lee | May 29, 2013 |
Hehe.. | Jul 31, 2007 |
HI!!!! | Oct 25, 2003 |
Uplift Hexilogy | Aug 30, 2003 |
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Tell Us A Joke | Oct 2, 2003 | Dec 15, 2024 |
Thurrock and surrounding areas, Viral Kindness | No Posting | May 18, 2020 |
Little activities that are strangely pleasurable | No Posting | Mar 23, 2020 |
Twenty Years On | No Posting | Oct 22, 2019 |
[no subject] | No Posting | Feb 20, 2019 |
Math - Playing Devil's Advocate
Researcher U209724
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