Me.....(I think) !
I was surfing along looking to fint information on the Ying Tong song by the Goons when I found this site. I'm glad that I'm not the only mad person here.My screen name is twptaff (really 2 words). TWP is welsh for daft or silly and TAFF is what the rest of the world call us Welshmen. Now for some really interesting info about me (yawn).
I'm a 51 year old (until November) man married to the most wonderful woman in the world (STEPHENY)who is my steadying influence and stops me from going totally insane. I enjoy most thing especially humour, good food/drink, and foriegn holidays.I tow a caravan and drive a white van so beware!
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
I'll come | May 2, 2003 | May 7, 2003 |
Where is Wales? | Mar 5, 2003 | Mar 20, 2003 |
Sign up for h2g2 Meet-up in Denmark here. | No Posting | Mar 11, 2003 |
Does anyone remember... | Jan 4, 2003 | Jan 5, 2003 |
Guide Entry for Norway | Jan 3, 2003 | Jan 3, 2003 |
Researcher U207577
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