This is the Message Centre for Colin

Welcome to h2g2

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi Researcher 207577..smiley - smiley..
Welcome to h2g2..I'm of the many ACEs'..(Assistant Community Editors)..we're here to offer you a warm welcome..advice & links to help you find your way around..
Oh no! a caravan tower!..&..a white van driver!..will the roads ever be safe again..smiley - laugh..
You can click on any of the numbered links below..
Have a smiley - tea..smiley - coffee..or..smiley - ale..put your feet up..relax..&..let your fingers do the walking..
You can click 'Preferences' on the left of screen to change your number to a change the skin..(background)..there are 3 to choose from..brunnel..alabaster..or..classic goo..(you are in brunnel..the default skin) might like to experiment a bit..see which one you prefer to use..smiley - biggrin..
You might like to hitch a ride on our tour..@ A317459
A full list of Smileys including some great new ones..@ A155909
The slang used here can be a bit confusung..h2jargon explains all..@ A632431
You can customise your space..using what is available through h2g2..Find out more @..A Taste of GuideML..@ A768594 ..or Spicing up Your Page..@ A690518
2..ACEs'..have created hints & links for new researchers..Feisor's..@ A719840 ..&..Rocket Man's..@ A725500
Like most communities we have Clubs & Societies..find out about these..@ A660340
If your interested in writing for the might find Writing Guidelines..@ A53209 useful..
Hope you find these helpful..& enjoy yourself here..smiley - reply to this 'reply' below..

smiley - rose

Welcome to h2g2

Post 2


HI Emilly,
Thanks for the welcome! I'm learning how to navigate slowly but haven't found out how to use my name rather than a DAMNED NUMBER !
I don't care if it's my nickname or real as long as it isn't a number.
I think numbers are too formal and have to log on in work using one.

Welcome to h2g2

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

smiley - sorry..for the delay in replying..I've not been around for a few days..

Changing your number to a name is easy..&'ve already been where you need to go to do it..

click 'Preferences' like you must have done to add (twptaff) to your name..simply delete it all & give yourself anyname you want..well within reason..&..within house rules..smiley - laugh..

Hope that helps..anything else..just ask..&..hopefully..I won't take so long to reply next time..smiley - magic..

smiley - rose

Welcome to h2g2

Post 4


Thanks for the info ! ! I haven't logged on for a while and just read your mail. I've now successfully got a name and NOT a number.....Thanks again. Colin. XXX.

Welcome to h2g2

Post 5

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi Colin..smiley - smiley..
Your welcome..have a glass of smiley - bubbly to celebrate you being a name..not a number..any excuse to bring out the smiley - bubbly..smiley - magic..smiley - laugh..

smiley - rose

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