Useful Links and Info
Created | Updated May 11, 2006

On this page I will post any links that may prove useful to other researchers. If you have a link that you would like to add, then please post at the bottom or on My Space.
Featured Really Useful Link:Hitchhike Your Way into the Edited Guide - this page offers a mentoring scheme for new Researchers wishing to submit entries to h2g2. Simply visit the page and leave your name, and an experienced h2g2 Researcher will be assigned to you to offer individual help and guidance on writing, submitting and editing your work.
Introductory Pages
The h2g2 Welcome page is an excellent place for newbies and not-so-newbies alike.
The welcome offered by the great Douglas Adams is worth a look.
The h2g2 Tour is another place offering an informative introduction for those unfamiliar with the site.
All about h2g2 - Everything you could ever want to know about h2g2.
Talking about the guide - A great place to start getting involved with the h2g2 community.
Help Pages
These links are to h2g2 pages that give help, advice and guidance to researchers.
The h2g2 Help Page - The Mother of all help pages. If you have a question, and can't be bothered to ask an ACE, then here is your place.
h2g2 Feedback - If you want to complain, make a suggestion or ask about the future, go here.
The GuideML Clinic - This page will help you transform your entries from boring plain-text to super attractive GuideML. This allows you to include picture, coloured text, tables, headers, subheaders and italics as well as lots of other cool stuff.
Smileys - When posting to conversations, you'll probably want to use Smileys to convey your emotions. "A smiley is worth a thousand words..."
The ACEs' Homepage - The ACEs are fine, upstanding members of the community and are always there to help.
The Gurus' Homepage - These nice people deal with technical questions concerning h2g2. If you have a question, or a desire for knowledge, then these are your people.
h2g2 FAQ - A very large index of FAQs concerning h2g2.
The h2g2 Picture Library - The h2g2 Picture Library, all the 'blobs' you could need.
h2g2 Via Digibox - A very useful entry by Emmily about accessing h2g2 via a fantabulous Digibox contraption
Accessing Conversations With An Out-Of-Memory Digibox- Self explanatory link.
Interesting h2g2 Pages
There are far too many interesting h2g2 pages for me to list. These links should help you find the countless interesting pages for yourself.
The h2g2 Post - h2g2's weekly newspaper. The post carries interesting articles, and information about the Guide.
Random Edited Entry - Select a random entry from the Edited Guide.
Peer Review - Visit Peer Review to read possible upcoming Edited entries.
How to comment in Peer Review - An excellent page showing the correct way to comment on entries in Peer Review.
Search h2g2 - Search h2g2. I know the search engine isn't that great, but it's better than nothing.
h2g2 Info - Interesting statistics about the Guide.
Online - See who's currently online.
Announcements - Announcements about developments/changes to the site.
Classified Advertisments - Links to venues, clubs and societies on h2g2.
Ask h2g2 - One of the busiest corners of h2g2. If you have a question that needs answering, then here's your place.