A Conversation for 2003 South Wales Meet
I'll come
Limitless Posted Apr 8, 2003
ZAP.. Yeah it was cool.. Ive got a taste for the outdoors now though so i'll have to do something with the looong weekend i've got coming up
I'll come
Odo Posted Apr 8, 2003
I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something. Isn't it supposed to start raining again now that Easter is apporaching and people start to have time off work.
*crossess fingers for it to stay dry and warm for a week or so Up NOrth.*
I'll come
Odo Posted Apr 8, 2003
Sorry, of course you didn't.
I don't know where everyone's got to, it's been quiet on-line for a few weeks now. It's probably the nice weather, everyone's decided to go out and enjoy it while it lasts.
I'll come
Dolt Posted Apr 8, 2003
Awww, look at you both, poor things.
Out of sympathy and respect, and to show solidarity etc., I shall do some work today too
I had a good weekend too, in Bristol helping out some friends who are getting married in August.
I'll come
Limitless Posted Apr 8, 2003
the M word.. I was my friends best man when they got married last year.. I didn't have a clue
Worst best man ever (Comic book guy style)
I'll come
Dolt Posted Apr 8, 2003
Aha! You can give me some tips on how not to do it, then - I'm doing the Best Man thing at this one and fully intend to enjoy it in every possible way
I'll come
Odo Posted Apr 8, 2003
As long as the groom turned up and was able to stand up by himself I'm sure you were appreciated.
Dolt, don't pretend just for us, you're off to spend the afternoon sunning yourself on the beach aren't you? Not fair.
I'll come
Limitless Posted Apr 8, 2003
Tips huh.. Well my biggest tip would be write a speech. I thought i could get away with just standing there thinking of things to say on the spot.. How wrong i was.. Oh and don't lose the rings..
They don't like that... Even when i joked about it..
I'll come
Odo Posted Apr 8, 2003
Best of all don't make a speech, your audience will appreciate and love you if you keep the proceedings as short as possible.
Oh and from a bell ringers point of view (I've rung for literally hundreds of weddings over the last mumble, mumble 12 years since I learnt to ring), if you've any influence at all tell the bride that the time has changed and she now needs to be at the church half an hour earlier. This will mean that by the time the photographer has faffed around
she'll actually arrive on time.
After the ceremony shoot the photographer (or if that sounds a bit drastic at the very least remove his camera from his possession) and wave the happy couple off asap. The guests will Cheer you as a supper hero at this point, it actually means that they'll get to the reception on time. The bell ringers will also hold you in the greatest esteem because it means that they can leave on time.
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I'll come
- 61: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 62: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 63: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 64: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 65: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 66: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 67: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 68: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 69: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 70: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 71: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 72: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 73: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 74: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 75: Dolt (Apr 8, 2003)
- 76: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 77: Dolt (Apr 8, 2003)
- 78: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
- 79: Limitless (Apr 8, 2003)
- 80: Odo (Apr 8, 2003)
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