A Conversation for De Myelin Nation


Post 221


I "Yikes"'d the neuropathy article, giving the reason that I believe it contravenes house rules on being "mean spirited" in that it show bias with malice related to his own problems ( I *do* feel for the guy, but it's beside the point).

I have been given moderation reference number A192379, and also asked them to come here and talk to the group prior to deciding on a course of action.

I know I'm new to the group, but I'm committed to getting this article removed too. Who's going to copy and paste? I don't want to do it if someone else is going to do it too, lol, that *might* peeve someone.



Post 222


Wow, it's been temporarily removed! I hope it stays that way!



Post 223


Hi Pyrotrope,

"Temporarily removed" is what happens when any posting gets "yikesed". The person who "yikesed" it gets an email, later you will get one telling you what decision has been taken & why.

"Those up top" DO look at these things, which is one reason why "yikes"ing should be taken seriously.

OK, I am only reluctant to do the "copy & paste" bit because I am technically pretty useless; if anyone else happens to come along from De Myelin Nation, who knows the background, I would prefer they do so; if all the relevant bits are still on this thread tomorrow morning & I have time & computer access, I will do it myself. It only requires checking it hasn't already been done; as Moose points out,it is damn near impossible to remove stuff, all to easy to insert it!

*thinks: Basis for great contraception ad campaign there* (Saatchi & Saatchi, I am here, just pay me please....)

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.


Post 224


OMG, I *AM* slow this time in the morning: It took me five minutes to get the joke, Terri! smiley - doh For one awful minute I thought I'd said something wrong and was being called an advertisement for contraception, Duh, lol.

I was amazed at how quick the response was though. Quicker than my brain right now smiley - blush

I go bed - brain no work smiley - weird



Post 225



You go bed.

You return with nice new brain cell.

We squeak later.

smiley - biggrin



Post 226

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

Terri! that was a little inappropriate! smiley - winkeye


Post 227


Hi Everyonesmiley - biggrin,Its been a while since Ive heard from any of you as you know ve been busy writing stuff. I noticed that Shazz has put something of mine in smiley - thepost this week, I dont know what it is myself yet? but I see a poem has been included as well? I wonder which one?
Any way, how have you all being doing these days, I met a few of you in Hati`s summer house last week. Ive not written much this week, as Mk2 has been ill, so looking after her has kept me busysmiley - erm They gave a wheel chair last week, but its the type that has to be pushed (no big wheel for the user to push)So its no good to us as I cant push it??
Ah! well, such is lifesmiley - laugh See you all son I hope, take caresmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 228


How ridiculous! Can't you get onto Social Services & tell them it's impossible? If they start giving you excuses, write to your MP & remind him this officially "European Year of the Handicapped"!



Post 229


Smudger, that's an awful way to be treated! Do you mind me asking which county you're in?! Remember that the squeaky wheel gets the oil - don't be shy about nagging them, or if, like me, your energy gets a little low, get some other people to nag them on your behalf.

Everyone: The neuropathy article is staying up, I am told, I appealed and the best I got was that the editors are willing to update it, but would like us to post what we think is wrong with it, in detail, in it's conversation forum.

Is anyone else hot?! I feel like a chicken mcnugget tonight!



Post 230


Oh gawd; I suspected this would happen. Once a Guide Entry is in, very little "they" will do to remove it. We are in a quandary now; if we start posting loads of stuff to it, we create more publicity for the wretched thing, if we leave it to stand, we know full well that someone will go away with a pretty damned innacurate impression of the syndrome!

smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - grr

If someone else feels that attack is the best form of defense & wants to start pulling it to bits etc; I will leap in & battle too, but don't feel like starting the ball rolling at the moment for various reasons.

If any of us do comment, make sure we whack a plug for De Myelin Nation in at every opportunity folks!smiley - winkeye

*sigh* Good job Manda Monday or whoever he is seems to have disappeared. Did the "up top bods" mention the mysterious missing medical advisory team?



Post 231


Nope, no mention at all of Mr Monday Morning or the mysteriously missing moronic medical muck muppets.

Another option we might consider is to put together an article on neuropathy ourselves and make sure it has a higher score on the search facility once it makes it into the guide - does anyone know how the scoring system works? Is it a simple word count, or is there more to it?



Post 232


Hmm, good thinking batman! I'd certainly considered doing another article, but got diverted into writing The Hootoo Home of Today for smiley - thepost & never got round to it.

*considers quick plug*

*conscience intervenes*

*reconsiders actual benefits of possessing conscience*

Said column Archives can be plundered at A1008550 (ignore the 1st one!) & latest moving article is at A1104823.

As to how to push the scoring up; I really haven't a clue! If we start asking italics, they will no doubt smell a rat! I do know someone who is a sub-ed, but he is currently sans computer. He also happens to be a medical student & a fully paid-up "friends & family" member of De Myelin Nation! He's recently returned from visiting me in France & his name is at the bottom of everyones alphabetical list....but, I am not mentioning any names am I?smiley - winkeye

Do you want to get going on a re-write? I will happily collaborate, but probably best to wait till after the weekend, the imminent arrival of spim means that all brain cells are tuned in that direction at present!!!

smiley - cheers



Post 233


Hi There Terri & Yoda, and Pyrotropesmiley - biggrin, Many thanks for your support it gave me hope! We are in the UK, and as you know we have many drains on our social security system! Yet it really gets to me when I think of all the tax and National Insurance I paid when I was earning big money in the oil industry, now, well Im disabled (through a work realated injury while in the ambulance service)smiley - erm
Now I have to fight the system to get something back, yet the woman upstairs from me, a single Mum with two kids, both to different fathers, she is a Junkie, and has already had her other two kids taken from her. She has a "social worker" assigned to her! and gets everything she wants!! No questions asked smiley - grrsmiley - steam We complained to the council about the noise she makes, and in return received a visit from her "social worker" telling us not to upset her!!!!!
What did I do wrong??????????????
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 234


T&Y: A rewrite sounds good. I'd be happy to start the ball rolling over the weekend and see how far I can get. Here's all I can find H2G2 say about the score:

For the technically-minded, the mechanism scores points independently for the subject line and the body text and then combines these scores with a bias towards the score from the subject line. This combined score is further modified by a multiplier depending on the entry's status, so a non-Edited Entry will have to be a much better match than an Edited one to score higher than it. The highest points are gained for an exact match of the search string entered (once 'noise words' are removed). Points are also scored separately for each word or phrase (phrases being words inside double quotes) and inflectional forms of these, with extra points for proximity of the individual phrases.

*This* we can use smiley - smileysmiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

Smudger: I'm sorry to hear about your neighbour - maybe you should write to your local paper (as well as suggesting her socialist worker put away her PC attitude and grow a brain) - it seems to work in Nottingham, which council authority are you dealing with? I found Swansea to be one of the worst, my sister asked for a buggy and got a broken elbow-crutch.



Post 235


Hi Pyrotrope, Its Fife council Im dealing with, and this is the 3rd junkie they have moved in above us in as many years. We fought with them for ages and eventually got the junkies put out. Now its the 3rd time, and to be honest we have no fight left, as they are building walls of paperwork to stop us. They wont even talk to us on the phone now! and our letters, all 14 of them, have gone unanswered smiley - grr All we want is to have some piece & quiet so that Mk2 (my wife) can die in piece! (she is terminally ill with emphysema and thrombosis)smiley - steam
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 236


smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

Oh Smudger.

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Can't say more right now; but smiley - love take care of each other, at least you have that.(and it's a biggie!) Fife bloody Council would expect you to declare interest repayments by the sound of it.




Post 237

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

smiley - cuddle for you Smudger. I can't really help in any way other than to let you know that you've been heard, and I'm here.

smiley - love


Post 238


Smudger, I really don't know what to say. My heart goes out to you both. The people you've paid, over and over, to care for you in a crisis, have betrayed you: I know one day the universe will repay them tenfold.



Post 239


Ah! Thanks to you All!smiley - ok, I wish I had never said anything now, I feel so embarrassedsmiley - erm its just that I was so angry when I was writing that reply that it just slipped outsmiley - erm Ah! well, as you say our time will comesmiley - oksmiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 240


No need to feel embarrassed at all - unlike your neighbours and council, who should be thouroughly ashamed of themselves. Sometimes it's better to get things off your chest. I'm just sorry you've got so much on yours, Smudger.


Key: Complain about this post