A Conversation for De Myelin Nation


Post 201

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

nothing. that was just my random and unrelated contribution.


Post 202


Ah! Thanks Moose, I thought I had stood on someones toessmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 203

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

well, they weren't mine if you did (notes the fact that meese don't actually HAVE toes to be trodden on...)


Post 204


Ah! Well thats smiley - ok Moose, coz I couldnt "exactly jump out of the way either" I wpould require at least a two minute warning, then have both my sticks ready to gosmiley - laughsmiley - laugh but Hey! it would be a laugh tryingsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 205

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Pyrotrope! Hi Gee I am sorry I missed you earlier.
smiley - wow A new member and complete with a great article!

I have not finished reading the thread,
I see Terri posted the old article,not sure why.
I am sure she will share that.
smiley - disco
Many could be offended. Many have had to fight the discrimination in illness. My friend has pancreatitis. ALL Dr think she drinks, she doesn't. It does not change her treatments or course of illness, but it is infuriating to be suspected of drinking and lying when you do neither. The same happens with many neuro defects and being suspected of alcohol abuse or drugs.

They were sure I was an abused woman because of my never discovered problems(after nearly a decade) when I was having emergency neck surgery. No way! Not happening here!
It took a while to figured it out.
Once I asked once again about lightning damage they lit up! OMG you've been hit by lightning? smiley - doh Well that would explain a lot. I said why? Does it look like I have been hit with a bsaeball bat on the top of my head? It IS what it looks like........
Geez no wonder they thought I was off, staying with someone who would do that! Needless to say it skewed their view of mesmiley - sadface Things have been much better since then. They do not assume I lie. That is important!

All deserve compassion no matter the reason for their suffering. When you have been through years of disbelief from Dr and they say something like this too you, it's very bad. It adds to the humiliation, dysfuction and discomfort of the patient. The Dr. toosmiley - ermthey become more dismissive if they assume you are drinking and not telling them. smiley - yukOr if you are abused and choosing to take it, as in my case!smiley - grr
smiley - disco


Post 206

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Pyrotrope! Hi Gee I am sorry I missed you earlier.
smiley - wow A new member and complete with a great article!

I have not finished reading the thread,
I see Terri posted the old article,not sure why.
She did not write it,I believe she had complained about.
I'm sure she will tell us that though.

smiley - disco
Many could be offended. Many have had to fight the discrimination in illness. My friend has pancreatitis. ALL Dr think she drinks, she doesn't. It does not change her treatments or course of illness, but it is infuriating to be suspected of drinking and lying when you do neither. The same happens with many neuro defects and being suspected of alcohol abuse or drugs.

They were sure I was an abused woman because of my never discovered problems(after nearly a decade) when I was having emergency neck surgery. No way! Not happening here!
It took a while to figured it out.
Once I asked once again about lightning damage they lit up! OMG you've been hit by lightning? smiley - doh Well that would explain a lot. I said why? Does it look like I have been hit with a bsaeball bat on the top of my head? It IS what it looks like........
Geez no wonder they thought I was off, staying with someone who would do that! Needless to say it skewed their view of mesmiley - sadface Things have been much better since then. They do not assume I lie. That is important!

All deserve compassion no matter the reason for their suffering. When you have been through years of disbelief from Dr and they say something like this too you, it's very bad. It adds to the humiliation, dysfuction and discomfort of the patient. The Dr. toosmiley - ermthey become more dismissive if they assume you are drinking and not telling them. smiley - yukOr if you are abused and choosing to take it, as in my case!smiley - grr
smiley - disco


Post 207

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Terri why did you post the whole aricle? I am afraid it will upset people and they will have no idea we do not like it. Can we yikes it on our page? I just saw it.smiley - erm Not sure how I missed itsmiley - sadface
I know it is the old one you wanted yikes-ed.

What do you think? Or ADD an explanation on the end.
Can Moose just take it off? I do not know if that is possible.
If it just goes out to cyber space there should be a disclaiming comment.
smiley - disco


Post 208

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

what do you wnat removed? eh?


Post 209

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi Moose the Nueropathy Debate from four days ago it is a paste job from Terri. The whole thing can gosmiley - winkeyeif possible. She had asked me about it but I did not get here to see it until todaysmiley - erm
smiley - disco


Post 210

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F105873?thread=289910 This is it if that helps. The article CAN be found elsewhere, we can always link it.


Post 211

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I don't suppose you can remove my long double post just above!smiley - laugh
smiley - disco


Post 212

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Ok Moose
Um er Terri would like it to stay, so it can.
I moved a couple of comments over, to cover the bases, so people know where we stand on the article.
smiley - disco


Post 213


Hi Abbi, I know *exactly* what you mean about disbelief. When I first came down with GBS, I went from doctor to doctor, telling them I was getting weaker - I was told I had a common cold. I was asked repeatedly what drugs I was taking. Even when I couldn't walk, and my face had seized up I was told to stop being a malingerer and pull myself together. I was lucky to finally encounter a tiny little Indian doc who, before saying a word, tested my tendon reflexes.

I was so grateful that someone was actually doing their job.

The neuropathy article, as posted in a thread by terri, with comments, is fine. What I have a real problem with is that it is in *the edited guide* and has the 'h2g2 medical team' label on it! People could actually take this as medically proven fact, I mean the fact that it's in the edited guide *should* mean that it has been checked, surely?!

Any suggestions as to who is best to complain to? I'm sure if a few people complain, they'll take it more seriously.



Post 214

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I really do not know how to get rid of itsmiley - erm
I will ask around, we tried before.

It is a factual possibility alcohol can cause some damage,it's just the smiley - cross attitudes and impressions that seeps through this one is negatively slanted. Not to mention we all know other reasons do exist.

My goodness you had a long hard road to diagnosis alsosmiley - rose
smiley - disco


Post 215


Yes, the attitude of the author is enough, though I found that, to me at least, the article implied that alcohol was the leading cause for neuropathy. If you look at the author's user page, it seems he has some issues (for *issues* read: weed up a55) with his own life. It can't be too pleasant being in his shoes.

I'm sure I'll succeed in my desire to have it removed somehow: I've a short temper, a big mouth and my skin is thicker than a kentucky fried armadillo. Just got to figure out where to start.



Post 216

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Have you looked at the help or feedback pages?
There are specific places to complain about every issue.
I always seem to pick the wrong onesmiley - ermand they do not always direct you to the proper place.
If you find the spot, Terri and I will join insmiley - ok
smiley - disco


Post 217

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

In the unlikely event you have content removed by the moderator and you want to query why then please go to:

I think this is for yikes only, you need an editor perhaps. Jim Lynn he has a page, Terri probably knows his title.
"Abi" is an italic and has a page. Either of those two would be a good place to start.
smiley - disco


Post 218

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

well, i can't remove it, even if i wanted to. i can't remove convos.


Post 219

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - ok Thought sosmiley - ermI do not think they will remove it as an entry either.
smiley - disco


Post 220


OK, folks; I feel a campaign coming on!!!

Right, I reckon that, despite our supposedly dodgy nerve endings, between us rhino skin is as tissue paper compared to the dogged persistence skills we have acquired over the years!

I believe in going straight to the top; I am prepared to tackle Jim Lynn, I am not entirely sure of Hootoo hierarchy, but he seems pretty high up & from comments i have read of his on other threads, he seems like a "decent bloke".

In all fairness, the italics can't possibly read everything & until something is pointed out to them, are probably not aware there may be a problem. Plus this is a medical issue; we have insider knowledge, your "average researcher" would probably never even read the thing; only those who have a vested interest (*still waiting for cartoon illustration of this creature*) would be concerned;

The h2g2 Medical team definitely ceased to function. Maybe it has been superseded by a new one? Don't know; if so, it's not been publicised on Announcements page.

I vote someone (NOT ME!!) copies & pastes this entire convo section relating to this issue onto the "Neuropathy Article & subsequent Debate" thread & we continue discussing it there. Once this is done, I will go to Jim Lynn & direct him there.

If it needs to be discussed offline, I am more than willing to do so. Abbi has my email, so does Moose (please confirm yours is still as before moose!)

I'm slightly hampered by internet connection problems at present,but hope these will be resolved soon; meanwhile, I'm still "on the case" of this one; glad I seem to have support!

squeak soon,


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