This is the Message Centre for zendevil


Post 161

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Wow, Terri, it's chilly over there! It's not that cool here, only around 10 celcius. I haven't even needed to get my warmer jacket out yet.

Spent the day today playing hooky from work (I still have fourmore days to use before the end of the year, and have six paid days for the holidays as well, yay!), had a hot bath with camphor and tea tree for this cough. I've had laryngitis for around a week now, and I miss my normal voice. I'm also listening to some music, a Chicago area band, and reading some more of the book I've borrowed. Nice and relaxing. Had a nice tuna casserole for dinner and will read a bit longer before heading to bed early.

Good to see everyone's doing all right, more or less! smiley - smiley


Post 162

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

*throws his arms around Sheryl & smothers her insmiley - smooches, careful not to spillsmiley - stiffdrink* smiley - winkeye How've you been luv?


Post 163

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Darrell darling... smiley - cuddle
thanx for not spilling the smiley - stiffdrink lol..
best not to ask about my "wellbeing".... still not right here... smiley - wah
not to worry eh... I'm better for seeing you... mwwaaahhh... smiley - smooch


Post 164


Yippee; The EYE thread gets going; reckon winter time brings us all huddling around a nice warm computer rather than venturing out! Welcome, PAGANMOON, great to see you here! hey, PC, if you ask me incredibly nicely i will come & rub your chest with camphor oil *mmm* i can just smell it now, memories of childhood that! Just you look after yourself OK? We *may* have another guest to welcome here on this thread, he will probably be known as kawk, or maybe raj, just been on MSN with him, we are plotting exchange visits between Bangalore & Angoul�me . May even have a vistor from the BBC Collective, whatever that is when it's at home! i was idly googling "Nouvelle vague" & what do i come across but a BBC forum mentioning it! So, being me, i just had to say hello & send a link to hootoo. As you do. Hey, it's Roadkill's driving test tomorrow, keep all possible bodily parts crossed for him please!RK Going for a little toddle round to see what you've all been up to. PC, if you feel like chatting on MSN, i am still up at the moment. zdt


Post 165

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

"waves to Terri & co.." thanx for the welcome...
Yip I remember Raj from days gone by...
smiley - cheers


Post 166

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - smiley That goes both ways luv! I'm glad to see you too & better for it! Hopin' you're 100% again before too long.

smiley - love & smiley - cuddles & smiley - smooches smiley - winkeye


Post 167

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

I'm hoping so too babes... smiley - smooch
Seen the doc today, he thought it was summat, but turned out not to be after a dreaded internal... Got to do the old water sample tomorrow... other than that, we're stumped... smiley - wah
The bugger got me for my overdue smear test and flu jab... ouch........


Post 168


Oh smiley - yuk!!!! Gawd, you sometimes wonder about the anatomy don't you? Personally i am blissfully delighted to be a tampax free zone at last, to think i spent all those years going through hell for absolutely nothing.....

By the way, i am living proof that it IS possible to have an utterly trouble free menopause, no idea what the secret is, i am vegetarian BUT smoke, drink & have hardly led a blameless life!smiley - musicalnote"sex & drogues & sosmix rolls"smiley - musicalnote

*sorry lads, just excuse us, & pray you don't get reborn a female*

smiley - goodluck with that PM;smiley - hug if the bugger says "just relax" whilst wielding horrid metal things, give him a snarl from me!

Is it Ok if i add you to friends list by the way?



Post 169

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Terri... feel free to add me wherever you see fit... smiley - laugh
I've already subjected you to my list... smiley - biggrin

I'm still going thru the dreaded menopausal phase.... Hate those bloody hot flushes.. My monthly's rewriting their own calender... smiley - rofl

Do hope the males here do go thru it... smiley - evilgrin then they'd know why women turn psycho... smiley - evilgrinsmiley - winkeye


Post 170


LOL!!! yes, it's very difficult at times not to let them know just what a raw deal we got designer body wise isn't it?

*mind you, we look a lot less silly with only our socks on...can you imagine Michaelangelo's David with socks, then Botticelli's Venus...errrr, somehow she gets away with it! Mind, you wouldn't catch me standing around in a sea shellsmiley - brr*

So, what are you up to apart from all the nasty stuff?



Post 171

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Terri... I'm up to signing off now luv... lol
Not really been up to much of late, not been able to get out and about...
Can't see meself in a seashell either... smiley - laugh
but have a tale on that for another time... smiley - blush
Take care now my friend... smiley - hug
Chat soon....xxxx


Post 172

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

yoh 'ang a bart, tampax ten, my watch sez 1.25am, plus equal rights, "menopause" uh! what's up with womanopause and also can't come back has a female, with my luck I'd come back as me self..Roadkill's test, is it here or over there, depends if I stop in bed or not .To the everybody peeps who Terri knows on here at the moment, I hope all problems are small and go away fast, no dought (is dought spelt right) meet you all soon,, trying to read wordssmiley - cdoublenow 1.37am..Ha!smiley - stiffdrinkI can take itsmiley - tasmiley - ta


Post 173


smiley - rofl

Animal, we may be the only two folks who understand this language, but what the hell; suite dreams (unless you only have a put-u-up, owt ere dem called a clic-clac, which is at least onomatopaeic..;some clever bugger please do spelling corrections; i am only a poor little english teacher!)

ziggly wom, hey homme.

zdt*oooh! now a nice jolly banjo track* it's only 3am, what the hell!


Post 174

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hmmm, I don't think I'm anywhere close to getting the menopause just yet. But I do get bloody hot flashes quite often. My stupid monthly's been writing its own calendar as well: it has arrived exactly five days early for the past three months. And they say contraceptives are supposed to make your periods more regular? Mine used to arrive at exactly 7:30 AM on every fourth Tuesday. Now it shows up whenever it sees fit, and invariably smack in the middle (or, horror of horror, at the beginning of) the weekend, which is when my sweetie and I have the most time for romantic entanglements. smiley - grr

I'd love to have you rub some camphor on my chest, Terri. And a bit on my back as well, it is sore as hell from coughing and hacking. Though the cough still continues to improve and be productive. Better out than in, I say, so I've been expectorating away. But my throat's a mess for it. I wish I'd have caught you sooner so we could have had that MSN chat, Terri, but I was just checking in before heading to bed shortly. smiley - sadface I'll watch out for you during the week and maybe we can catch up then?

Hello to Animal, RK, and Pagan Moon. smiley - smiley


Post 175

Researcher 185550

Bad news about the driving test, folks. I'll pass next time.

On the bright side, I don't have to worry about driving home from the pub yet smiley - ok.


Post 176

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

sorry my friend, I feelsmiley - blue4 u. Call it a practice run, you'll crack it next time - no problemo

Terri, honest injun' you are a English teacher.smiley - cooleven though I've tasted cane in the past
I'll get clic-clac out, sounds a lot better than our's
Soz if any miss understanding on my part, another thread..


Post 177


Aww, poor RKsmiley - hug; as everyone says, just a practice run this time; I must say i was a bit dubious about the idea of a "crash" course!But i'm sure that once here you can go out in maybe Ollie's beeeooootiful Mercedes & get some practice, god, if you can cope with french driving you will certainly be able to cope with anything!

Animal, don't worry about anything, no idea what you are on about, it was late last night & it's early now smiley - yawn

I actually got up at a sort of "normal person" time today & got going on a collage picture which i am entering for the cover of "Sortir" magazine, 1st prize is 400 euro which would certainly come in handy, so wish me luck! But consequently i am now both knackered and hyped up, i desperately need to snooze but can't...hoping coming on here & a smiley - redwine will help. I hate being like this.

PC, i am astounded that you could predict the arrival of your regular visitor down to the actual hour! I was always totally unpredictbale, i would miss a couple of months then get 3 in one month, bit like waiting for a Birminghamsmiley - bus! All i could be sure of was it would hurt like hell. I bet you are being hormonally influenced by having regularsmiley - lovestuff, it will probably settle down soon, hope so.smiley - hug

My worst, most memorable one was waiting at Zambia's Lusaka airport in a crowd of irate passengers (the planes hadn't arrived, someone was apparently shooting at themsmiley - yikes), then the electricity went off, so no lights & general panic & then, to top it all off guessed it, and yes, this was supposed to be a nice romantic weekend at Victoria Falls! NOT!

Ah well, such is life.Any bloke worth having understands these things & there's always another time.



Post 178

Rajeev - pondering.

eh? what? what???
days gone by, sheryl ? smiley - smiley


Post 179


Hey, it's raj! welcome to the madness that is the EYES thread!

Did you manage to get up in time today?

Animal, i realise now what you are on about, fuller explanation on the "hi terri" thread ok!



Post 180

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Too many copy cats(soz Yoda,not taking mickey)-post 43
You can take Bloody Mickey and stick 'im in't poubelle. 46
cold weather. I thought I'd offended
Also baffled(nowt new)Yoda IS a cat?? and gone to Nigeria??

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