This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1301

Ani K

Mornin' all

how is every1 this mornin'?

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Post 1302

Doctor Strangegloves

Fine Ani. You?

btw, we normally say "Chipper?" It's not compulsory but if we don't Peter Lovegloves is in a poody all day.

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Post 1303

Ani K

chipper then! im fine 1 more weeks till i jet off in the sun! =)

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Post 1304


i have to go out, back in about 90 mins, will pile in on what has been started when i return.

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Post 1305

Pat Pending


W**k's gone crazy (traditional pre-Christmas rush) so I won't be able to join you until mid-afternoon at earliest. Not being rude, but just can't manage it unfortunately. Aplogies for this, and for not responding to other messages/e-mails. Will catch up with you all asap.

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Post 1306


Never mind Pat altho' I can put a good word in for you at MacDonalds should want to get a decent job?

ROFL @ "Potty Pete" post ...

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Post 1307


Mornin All

Pat your Santa aren't you ..go on tell won't spoil it for us, honestly

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Post 1308

Ani K

mornin' brad =)

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Post 1309


Is that true Pat? Do you w**k for Coca-Cola?

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Post 1310

Doctor Strangegloves

Brad's on his way now towards you in Santa Claus guise - I think you're in for a treat - at least Bushy said that he's been fiddling with his sack for some time....

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Post 1311

Doctor Strangegloves

Bushy, where can I see amusing things on R4 - don't go there very often.

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Post 1312

Ani K

there is a santa?....

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Post 1313


MC-H isn't bad!! Questions, questions???

They're all a bit clever over there though so watch it!

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Post 1314


see the Mary Pooter post got pooted

Hi Ani (at the back!)

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Post 1315

Ani K

wonderin' when u'd say 'hi' brad! now know where i stand wiv yah! *tears fallin* :'(

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Post 1316

Ani K

c u all later.

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Post 1317


Oi.!! I've only just noticed that Strangegloves! And after I gave pooter a walloping outside the school gates for you yesterday??? That's gratitude I must say ...

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Post 1318

Doctor Strangegloves


Pooter must I'm sure be having a stern letter sent home from the Head to his muumy and daddy now.

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Post 1319


has any one got any idea what Doug is doing?

do you think hes got a bumper book of weird news items and hes posting them all periodically?

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Post 1320


He appears to be desperately posting loads of junk hoping everyone will forget about his nasty affiliations?

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