This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1281


Feather boa? Sounds a bit tacky Ani! Hope it's all done in the best possible taste! Tell you what, bung it over 'ere and I'll you an honest opinion? smiley - sigh I'm just too good to you aren't I? Please don't thank me again though will you, I'm shy!

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Post 1282


seeeya Doc

Bushy are BBC message boards the right place to tout for drugs?

Pat where you been matey

Ani, I'm not ignoring you!...and I would never reveal your pic to anyone, even the feather boa one

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Post 1283


I've got one of Bushy in a basque though

shall we start the bidding?

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Post 1284


Probably not Brad but I'm bored and if this don't get everything kicked off I don't know what will!!

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Post 1285


Bollocks! They've binned me already ... Drat!! I had one or two choice posts for pooter as well... Oh well!

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Post 1286

Ani K

i hate this site. i can never seem 2 log in with the username i have reg with.

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Post 1287

Number Six

Afternoon all. Hope you're all fit and fightin'.

Just a quick clarification. My Jamie Oliver post. I was trying to be sarcastic smiley - sadface If I wrote what I really think of that fat-tongued mockney c*nt, I don't think Julia would let it stay for long.

BTW, there's a great site called Fat Tongue, which has a brilliant gallery of JO montages.

Sorry for any confusion.

smiley - cheers

BTW again, looks like Pooter has finally lost it - nice work !

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Post 1288

Ani K

its me ani

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Post 1289

Ani K

back to normal again

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Post 1290


pooter? He's not putting up a bad show I reckon! I had to laugh when he squeaked "I'm 29½!" ...

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Post 1291

Pat Pending

Brilliant Bushy, blo*dy brilliant!

pp is on his 2nd mod warning now!

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Post 1292

Number Six

Pooter is one of you lot, isn't he ? Come on, be honest.... no real person could be that stupid ???

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Post 1293


Don't think so ... I have few more gems for him! Just hope they keep him around a little longer ... Easy now!

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Post 1294


Shall I congratulate Julia?

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Post 1295


I gotta go folks! Looks like pooter escaped by the skin of his fangs but he'll be ... SEETHING ... tee hee! I was only joking re. the drugs by the way!

My dealer is fine...

Bye all!

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Post 1296

Doctor Strangegloves




Hope you all noticed that pooter describes those who he believes to be in pre-mod (ie us pirates) as "nonces" in the Father Ches post....

Have you alerted the mods yet? Use that button, people!!!!!!

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Post 1297

Doctor Strangegloves

No need people - just had an adjudication back from the mods and mr. p's nonce post has been disappeared!

Wonder if he's in pre-mod until his 30th birthday?

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Post 1298


hi everyone, smiley - zen

thanks for those who have been mailing me.

i dont know how long i will be able to join in but i will try, my car broke down on me for the last time yesterday smiley - grr and this morning i am off to get a new vehicle so will be around to 11/12ish.

are we emailing about this project and strategy or what?

smiley - rose kris

Is this........

Post 1299


smiley - yawn

Morning everyone ... No shouting today, I'm a bit delicate!

What's happened to pooter? Did we get him in the end? I had to leave early last night ...

Is this........

Post 1300

Doctor Strangegloves

Bushy, see above - I alerted mods to hsi post calling us "nonces" and it's been done in - could this be the last we hear from pootsy for a while?

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