This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 1241

Ani K

Don't wish to go anywhere near ur bush! thank you.

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Post 1242


No, no please don't thank me Anita! It's quite alright! Just knowing that you'll be enjoying many hours of happy motoring in the MG is enough to keep a slightly wry smile on my ugly mug...

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Post 1243

Ani K

believe me I won't be driving the MG again! I'd rathr stick to my 206.

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Post 1244


You take it easy there! Don't be going too fast and always check your mirrors before signalling...

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Post 1245

Doctor Strangegloves

**** that, bl**dy Pooter on about gay stuff again. Perfectly good thread about Jamie Oliver and the s*d starts on the gay stuff again.

But lo! What do the mods think? No, it's not offensive. No,it isn't derogatory, it's not flaming, it's not spamming, it's not off topic.

I have threfore posted a filthy reply. B**tard.

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Post 1246

Ani K

I'm a good driver. My partner drives as if he owns the road at times. But then every man on the road thinks he owns the road. I've done a pass plus driving course. Even goin' for motor bike test in jan.

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Post 1247


Thought that might have warmed you up a bit Doc! E-mail conference?

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Post 1248


I've got a bike and OLd rusty Ford held together with sellotape...does that count as a status symbol??

of course I make up for it in the fact that I'm hung like an elephant

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Post 1249

Ani K

NO it does not!.....Can't wait to get my bike...get in my leathers.

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Post 1250


Sorry Ani, this is turning into a serious thread now isn't it? I am only being silly, just ignore me ...

Brad, your nose isn't all that big mate!

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Post 1251

Ani K

im not taking any of this serious.

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Post 1252


Phew! Thought I was going to get in trouble with Brad for a second there ...

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Post 1253

Ani K


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Post 1254


Well done Doc a MODS just give Pooter a kicking!

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Post 1255

Ani K

hi brad. how are u?

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Post 1256

Doctor Strangegloves


Well that's obviously what you have to do - pushing the alert button doesn't work, but posting a load of filthy innuendo in response does the trick.

Bloody brilliant!

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Post 1257


HI Ani...can I point out that Ani is her own woman and by no means 'mine'...we met on a chat site a year ago and discovered a talent for teasing each other with sexual tension..We've never met....

I do however have the advantage of knowing what she looks like....... there is a god

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Post 1258


Brad, there isn't a god else pooter would have been struck down with a plague of boils by now... Perhaps he is and that's why he's such a nasty little runt?

Come on then Brad, flash round that picture of Ani then!

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Post 1259

Ani K

Your damn right brad. I am my own woman!

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Post 1260


BIGOT ALERT!! He's just slithered into the "Today's News" Board ...

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