This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1201

Doctor Strangegloves

Well, I have to say I'm feeling quite European with all this Dr. E-G stuff. Though it's not as catchy as Dr. S.

Ho-hum. Any bigots about? Even John Crawshaw is posting stuff which is quite reasonable, on the subject of hunting.

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Post 1202


Mais oui Docteur,

J'ai trois enfants, tous a l'ecole.

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Post 1203


No bigots about, but plenty of maggots. (Ask Pat). smiley - smiley

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Post 1204


Maybe they've seen the light Doc?

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Post 1205

Doctor Strangegloves

Huh, some hope. I'm sure before the end of the day some loon will post blaming asylum seekers for the fact that you can't open a milk carton without spilling some.

Still, I note with interest that large parts of the IJ/Katharine Rushtn debate has been cut - IJ was just bordering on being offensive, but it seems the Alert button may have claimed it's first victim....

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Post 1206


MOrnin All

I seem to be in a bit of ammod today...I'm bitch slapping Ronald Mc Donald over on af

is that you Bushy under the wig (if its a wig?)

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Post 1207


ammod = a mood

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Post 1208

Doctor Strangegloves

Bradley, 'tis me in the red wig, pasty make up and ridiculous dungarees.

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Post 1209


Wig? I've got a number one all over mate!

Who are you slapping Brad? Need any help?

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Post 1210


Doc I shuld have known what say we just bitch at each other

first one to 100 thread gets a happy meal

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Post 1211

Doctor Strangegloves

Speaking of McD's - you've all got mail...

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Post 1212

Doctor Strangegloves

We'll never get there...but it's worth a try!

Bushy, why not register as "Hamburglar" and join in? Or better still, alert a mod?

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Post 1213

Doctor Strangegloves

Curses - caught already!

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Post 1214


Where is this thread?

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Post 1215

Doctor Strangegloves

top tip...Betyyfjord started it...

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Post 1216


I've joined the thread on the side on Ronald!!

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Post 1217


I know..Im tempted to be Col Sanders

lets have a fast food bitch fight all in!

some MOd posted my reply a sa new disscusion??

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Post 1218

Doctor Strangegloves

We're being tropic I suppose.

Darn! Or if you're Sarnia, Tat!

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Post 1219

Ani K

Mornin' all

Is this........

Post 1220

Doctor Strangegloves

Mornin' Ani.

Any chance of you leaving Brad for me yet?

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