This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1141

V Max

Yeah, I found the warning. And they've already taken down Bushy's johnston-baiting post, so I think we can take it as read that they expect trouble. Oh well.

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Post 1142

Ani K

true. would u be mad at me if u lent me ur car & i told u that i put a crack in the side bumper

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Post 1143

Number Six

Am I going blind ? Where is this button ?

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Post 1144


Ani - it's just a car. Tell him. If he gets mad then, as Brad says, it just shows that he's shallow.

Right - that's sorted.

Lets get back to the main question - who is Katharine?

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Post 1145


Hi P K - long time no speak. I'll pop over to the boards now and see if I can see it. I'll report back soonest.

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Post 1146

V Max

The "Button" is a bit of underscored text next to the "Reply" option on every post. It links to a form where you can detail your complaint.

Is this........

Post 1147


Hi again P K,

Yep, you're going blind. It's there all right. I scrolled down one of Ian's posts (30 ft long) which I couldn't be bothered to read and at the end, next to "reply" is another bit which says "a lert a moderator" or rather it doesn't - it really says "alert a moderator".

Now - go and get your eyes tested.

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Post 1148

Ani K

thanks sarnia. I shall tell him tonight.

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Post 1149

Number Six

Thanks Sarnia smiley - biggrin

Weird. I checked a few posts, and I can't see the damn thing at all.

Not to worry.

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Post 1150

Doctor Strangegloves

Hey folks...haven't been here all day so missed events. But still - a dozen new union brethren recruited, three anti-union bigots comprehensively duffed up (in a verbal sense) and I feel great.

Shame I have to go home in ten minutes really.


Is this........

Post 1151


Odd, my thread teasing johnston keeps popping on and off because I keep seeing doug deep digging himself even deeper with his horrid little Nazi Party views??? What's happening???

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Post 1152

V Max

I think the board is having some sort of problem - they probably skimped on any sort of testing or change control when they added the "run to auntie" button.

Your message appears then disappears at random.

Is this........

Post 1153


Yep, it's deffo gone now but not before Dr Strangehats got a few kicks up dougs arse!!

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Post 1154

Pat Pending


I've just received an e-mail telling me I'm out of pre-mod. Fantastic news, I think you'll agree, but I hadn't even been told I was IN pre-mod.

Agree with you all about Katharine Rushton giving it a good go. I think she might have lost her rag now though and come to realise what we all know already, because she's been rather intemperate with ij after he accused her to quasi-mod Ruth McNeill of being one of us (I'm assuming from the fact that no-one's fessed up that she isn't one of us?). Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for the innocent passers by caught in the crossfire of pirates and numpties, but it looks as if she can look after herself so i won't shed too many tears.

Back to w**k guys and gals.

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Post 1155


Which one of your many accounts was removed from Pre-Mod though Pat?

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Post 1156

Pat Pending

I only have one account as you well know . Oh, and I post under my real name.

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Post 1157


Duck...flying pigs!

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Post 1158

Pat Pending

Pig! Flying ducks. (or do I mean flying *ucks, as in I don't give one?)

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Post 1159


Comments please ladies and gentlemen:


Is it really necessary for ian johnston to write such utter rubbish with what appears to be a real zest for quantity rather than quality. Time and time again, in my opinion, he spends 3/4 page defending his risible statements at a grammatical and interpretative level and 1/4 of a page saying exactly the same thing as he claimed not to have said in first 3/4 of his message!

Is he in any way contributing to a lively and informed forum based on the "lighter side of news" in these instances? I think not!

Ploughing through venomous bilge spewed by ian johnston is like rolling skating uphill.

I do not wish to see anyone censored but certainly feel mr johnston may benefit from a quiet word in his ear by the Mod team.


Dr Strangehats.

Well? Standard template perhaps?

Is this........

Post 1160

BradSlovan could almost be for Ruth too

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